Here are a few things the Village will be expecting in January:
1. Hidden Glenn -- the construction of the Senior Citizen home will begin. In fact, if you go down Mary Street, you will see that the field is plowed and being prepared for the foundation. It will take 12 months to complete with the grand opening to be December 2015. Hidden Glenn will become a part of the city limits.
2. The preparation of the land for the new Catholic Church Sanctuary begins in January. Completion date is December 2015. Much excitement about this project.
3. A decision about the purchase of Stage Coach, however, this is hopeful speculation. It may be February or early Spring before a final answer is given. Negotiations are underway.
4. Road repair. The materials are purchased and the Holidays are over. We are more than ready to get started.
5. More news about Sanctuary. It has been very quiet.
6. The Chamber Banquet, January 8. It is a time to come together as a village for food, fellowship, and a good program. Fred Brown is the emcee and that should be entertaining. He has a way . . . well you know. Get you tickets from the Chamber Office.
7. The repair of the Holland Bridge or a letter and a petition to the Governor. It will be one or the other.
8. The beginning of the final major phase of construction for the Salado I-35 Project. In fact, it has started. Looking for a completion of this final phase in 4 to 5 months.
9. Maybe, the Village to be decorated in red and white for Valentine. Like Christmas only with lots and lots of hearts, cupids, and roses. Lots of advertising "Bring your sweetheart to Salado, buy her, a sweet present, and enjoy a lovely meal."
10. A six hour Saturday Working session for the Aldermen/AlderLady.
11. The names of those running for three Aldermen positions.
There is much happening. Read this Blog daily and stay-up. Tell you friends to read, too.
Very respectfully,
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Sunday, December 28, 2014
What the Village is facing in 2015
The end of a year is here. Where did 2014 go? Why was it in such a hurry?
In a few days, 2015 will begin. It is a year that may be the most demanding year in the history of Salado.
(1) The sewer will be challenging. With or without the sewer bond election, some form of sewer was coming with Sanctuary. They have a permit and they are not in the city limits. The same is true of the Robertson Ranch. We must find a way to work together, protect Salado, cut costs, and not sacrifice quality.
(2) Road repair will begin in our neighborhoods. There will be some disruption, irritation, and complaints. How is road repair achieved without this? There is no hocus-pocus and it is all done in a day. All that can be said is that it will be done as quickly as possible depending on weather.
(3) Developers and Developments. They are not coming; they are here. To date, there are at least two new subdivisions on the the books. One will have 90 homes and the other approximately 15 new homes. Sanctuary and Robertson Ranch both say they are building homes. Businesses are looking at property up and down I-35. There will be hours and hours of meetings to answer the demands and protect Salado.
(4) There is one more major project in the I-35, Salado construction -- the intersection of the library and Cowboys. This project is 4-6 months and will be complicated since they are destroying the overpass and building a new one approximately 100 yards south of the old one. Meetings with TXDOT, James Construction, and the Village will be monthly. The good news is that the major construction will be over between July and September according to both. In early February, a TXDOT Town Hall meeting will be held for the citizens to hear and ask questions.
(5) The low-water bridge by Sheril Park and the old club house must be cleaned of the debris. The three permits needed to do it are acquired. The Aldermen/Alder-Lady will be deciding in January how best to do it.
(6) The future of Stage Coach is in the balance of negotiations. Nothing else can be said except there is no date set when an announcement will be made -- one way or the other.
(7) The renovation of the Municipal Building and the moving of the Police Department to the building next door is the best the Village can presently do. It is hoped that volunteers will give their time in painting, yard work, and moving. The question is frequently asked why we did not move to the Civic Center. The simple answer is that we do not have $200,000, the cost to buy 1/3 of the building and another $50,000, our share of repairs. After looking at all the possibilities, it was the only sensible answer. This decision was not made lightly. Hopefully, you will volunteer to help when the time comes.
(8) Ordinances. The first changes will be presented 15 January. In the future, over 100 ordinances will be reviewed.
(9) The organization of the Village office has been major. Kim and her staff are 60% there, but it has taken weeks and weeks of working through stacks and stacks and stacks of paper. Many thanks for volunteers. Enough thanks cannot be expressed to Lindsey, Randy, and Kim who often worked into the midnight hour without pay. For the first time, our records will be on computers as well as filed. When someone asks for something, we can find it in a matter of minutes. By Easter, this project will be over and you will have an efficient village office to enjoy the new year.
(10) The downtown project will continue with Texas A&M bringing a college architectural class to work on this project. Salado will be their class assignment for the Spring. Your input will be asked. Once the assignment is complete, a Town Hall meeting will be held to present their recommendations and ideas to you. You will always have a say.
(11) Discussions on the ETJ will begin in January with the 6-hour Saturday BOA meeting. The BOA must make some strategic decisions that may or may not be popular. At all cost, Salado must be protected and do what is in the best interest of Salado.
The Bottom Line Up Front: What is done this year will effect Salado for years to come. We must be spot on; we must listen to you; and in the end we must have the courage to make the right decisions for YOUR future.
The end of a year is here. Where did 2014 go? Why was it in such a hurry?
In a few days, 2015 will begin. It is a year that may be the most demanding year in the history of Salado.
(1) The sewer will be challenging. With or without the sewer bond election, some form of sewer was coming with Sanctuary. They have a permit and they are not in the city limits. The same is true of the Robertson Ranch. We must find a way to work together, protect Salado, cut costs, and not sacrifice quality.
(2) Road repair will begin in our neighborhoods. There will be some disruption, irritation, and complaints. How is road repair achieved without this? There is no hocus-pocus and it is all done in a day. All that can be said is that it will be done as quickly as possible depending on weather.
(3) Developers and Developments. They are not coming; they are here. To date, there are at least two new subdivisions on the the books. One will have 90 homes and the other approximately 15 new homes. Sanctuary and Robertson Ranch both say they are building homes. Businesses are looking at property up and down I-35. There will be hours and hours of meetings to answer the demands and protect Salado.
(4) There is one more major project in the I-35, Salado construction -- the intersection of the library and Cowboys. This project is 4-6 months and will be complicated since they are destroying the overpass and building a new one approximately 100 yards south of the old one. Meetings with TXDOT, James Construction, and the Village will be monthly. The good news is that the major construction will be over between July and September according to both. In early February, a TXDOT Town Hall meeting will be held for the citizens to hear and ask questions.
(5) The low-water bridge by Sheril Park and the old club house must be cleaned of the debris. The three permits needed to do it are acquired. The Aldermen/Alder-Lady will be deciding in January how best to do it.
(6) The future of Stage Coach is in the balance of negotiations. Nothing else can be said except there is no date set when an announcement will be made -- one way or the other.
(7) The renovation of the Municipal Building and the moving of the Police Department to the building next door is the best the Village can presently do. It is hoped that volunteers will give their time in painting, yard work, and moving. The question is frequently asked why we did not move to the Civic Center. The simple answer is that we do not have $200,000, the cost to buy 1/3 of the building and another $50,000, our share of repairs. After looking at all the possibilities, it was the only sensible answer. This decision was not made lightly. Hopefully, you will volunteer to help when the time comes.
(8) Ordinances. The first changes will be presented 15 January. In the future, over 100 ordinances will be reviewed.
(9) The organization of the Village office has been major. Kim and her staff are 60% there, but it has taken weeks and weeks of working through stacks and stacks and stacks of paper. Many thanks for volunteers. Enough thanks cannot be expressed to Lindsey, Randy, and Kim who often worked into the midnight hour without pay. For the first time, our records will be on computers as well as filed. When someone asks for something, we can find it in a matter of minutes. By Easter, this project will be over and you will have an efficient village office to enjoy the new year.
(10) The downtown project will continue with Texas A&M bringing a college architectural class to work on this project. Salado will be their class assignment for the Spring. Your input will be asked. Once the assignment is complete, a Town Hall meeting will be held to present their recommendations and ideas to you. You will always have a say.
(11) Discussions on the ETJ will begin in January with the 6-hour Saturday BOA meeting. The BOA must make some strategic decisions that may or may not be popular. At all cost, Salado must be protected and do what is in the best interest of Salado.
The Bottom Line Up Front: What is done this year will effect Salado for years to come. We must be spot on; we must listen to you; and in the end we must have the courage to make the right decisions for YOUR future.
Friday, December 26, 2014
State of Salado Address
Tuesday, 3 February, 2015, 6:30 P.M., a Mayor State of Salado Message will be given in the Municipal Building. The Message will outline where we have been, where we are, and where we are going. It will be no longer than 30 minutes and will include information from the 6-hour January Aldermen/Alder-Lady meeting. I will ask the Aldermen/Alderlady and the City Manager to sit with me on the platform. As policy makers, they will be available after the meeting to answer questions.
the Mayor will be available, too.
This is not a political rally; there is no agenda. The only purpose is to communicate to the citizens of Salado. If the attendance appears to be more than 50, we will see if the Civic Center can be reserved.
Tuesday, 3 February, 2015, 6:30 P.M., a Mayor State of Salado Message will be given in the Municipal Building. The Message will outline where we have been, where we are, and where we are going. It will be no longer than 30 minutes and will include information from the 6-hour January Aldermen/Alder-Lady meeting. I will ask the Aldermen/Alderlady and the City Manager to sit with me on the platform. As policy makers, they will be available after the meeting to answer questions.
the Mayor will be available, too.
This is not a political rally; there is no agenda. The only purpose is to communicate to the citizens of Salado. If the attendance appears to be more than 50, we will see if the Civic Center can be reserved.
The Introduction to Chapter 2015 is being written
The Christmas season has come and is quickly disappearing. From editorials in the Village Voice and talk on the street, the citizens for the most part have enjoyed the beautiful lights and the effort of the neighborhoods and businesses.
Thank you for shopping Salado. Please do not stop. When we take care of our own, this happens:
(1) We are producing Sales Tax that will help our infrastructure.
(2) Helping our infrastructure will improve our quality of living and resale values.
(3) Sales Tax will also help in keeping property taxes low.
(4) Belton, Temple, Harker Heights, Georgetown, Killeen, and Cove have enough money. It is Salado's turn.
What are the big 4 committees that are about to be implemented?
(1) Development and economics
(2) Annexation
(3) Waste Water Treatment Plant
(4) ETJ
Two Aldermen/Alderlady will be on each committee. Final appointment to the committees will be during BOA 15 Jan.
Please consider going to the Chamber of Commerce Banquet, 8 January. It is important as we go forward in a major year of "turning the page." We must be unified, positive, and in communication.
Tickets are on sale now in the Chamber Office on Main Street.
Thank you for a great year -- Chapter 2014 is nearly written. The Introduction to Chapter 2015 is being written. You need to know, be involved, and we need to listen to you.
The Christmas season has come and is quickly disappearing. From editorials in the Village Voice and talk on the street, the citizens for the most part have enjoyed the beautiful lights and the effort of the neighborhoods and businesses.
Thank you for shopping Salado. Please do not stop. When we take care of our own, this happens:
(1) We are producing Sales Tax that will help our infrastructure.
(2) Helping our infrastructure will improve our quality of living and resale values.
(3) Sales Tax will also help in keeping property taxes low.
(4) Belton, Temple, Harker Heights, Georgetown, Killeen, and Cove have enough money. It is Salado's turn.
What are the big 4 committees that are about to be implemented?
(1) Development and economics
(2) Annexation
(3) Waste Water Treatment Plant
(4) ETJ
Two Aldermen/Alderlady will be on each committee. Final appointment to the committees will be during BOA 15 Jan.
Please consider going to the Chamber of Commerce Banquet, 8 January. It is important as we go forward in a major year of "turning the page." We must be unified, positive, and in communication.
Tickets are on sale now in the Chamber Office on Main Street.
Thank you for a great year -- Chapter 2014 is nearly written. The Introduction to Chapter 2015 is being written. You need to know, be involved, and we need to listen to you.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Answers to frequently asked questions -- keeping you "in-the-know"
Answers to questions:
1. What is happening to Stage Coach?
--- As of today, 25 December, Stage Coach has not sold. The negotiations are ongoing. The potential buyer is the same. This is not speculation or guessing. Negotiations are ongoing. This is not rumor, it is fact.
--- As of 1 January, 2015, the Dining room will close and not re-open. The cafe will remain open.
2. Does Sanctuary have a permit to build a water treatment plant?
-- Yes. Kim is has had engineers look at the permit. She will give you the results after the holidays. It appears to be a "quality" permit.
3. What are the plans for the new year?
-- The BOA has authorized 4 committees -- to begin working in January. The membership of these committees will be announced in the BOA meeting 15 January. Each committee will have 2 Aldermen/Alder-Lady. Make no mistake, the hours will be long and the meetings numerous. These 4-committees are critical. Groundwork and plans must be completed and approved no later than 1 May.
-- The Village Lawyer and Sanctuary's Lawyer are in conversation and will continue after the Holidays.
-- The date is being set for another 6-hour BOA session near the end of January. The session will be open for the most part, however, the workload is extremely heavy and there will be few opportunities for citizens to talk or ask questions. There will be at least 3 or 4 of these long sessions this year -- usually on a Saturday.
-- There will be a Town Hall meeting with TXDOT late January. TXDOT is looking at the calendar now and that date will be posted shortly after the New Year.
-- January and February, the Municipal Building will be doing some renovations and the Police will be moving next door as soon as it is ready. VOLUNTEERS ARE GOING TO BE NEEDED to help with renovation and moving. Kim and our Maintenance Supervisor will put together the plan, dates announced, and exact work detailed as soon as the Holidays are ended. Please get your paint brushes ready. Landscaping will be part of this. The more volunteers, the better. We need to keep the cost at a minimum.
4. What is the latest on the 1.5 million dollar sewer grant?
-- A decision is expected by the end of January. EDA will inform the Village.
-- Kim is working on a second state grant for this Spring.
5. Are there new developers interested in Salado?
-- Every day, Kim receives a telephone call. This is why those 4 committees mentioned in number 3 are critical. Salado must have its act together and know exactly what to do. The citizens will have a voice through their Aldermen and AlderLady. We will not be caught unprepared. Too much is at stake.
6. Is Killeen looking for another way to I-35 other than 2484 and 190?
-- According to their city officials, yes. By late 2015 or early 2016, plans will be implemented. Their path will be somewhere between Jarrell and Salado. Anything not in an ETJ will be annexed with a Killeen address. This is not a scare tactic, it is fact.
-- Temple has plans, too. It is believed but NOT confirmed that they will come from the South East around Academy and Little River. Annexation is their goal.
-- The completion of I-35, the growth of Texas in the I-35 corridor, and the cost of cities doing business will make this an interesting and difficult year. For the big cities and towns, Annexation is the answer.
This is only a few of the concerns the Village is facing. It is NOT going to be an easy, business-as- usual year. It is going to be fast year but "haste cannot make waste." It is going to be a year that we must pull together, communicate frequently, and be flexible. We must make mature and balanced decisions.
You have a great team of Aldermen/Alderlady -- talk to them frequently. They make and implement the policy. They are deeply concerned and want the best for Salado and you.
You will be kept informed. Read this BLOG frequently. It will keep you updated along with the Village Voice.
Answers to questions:
1. What is happening to Stage Coach?
--- As of today, 25 December, Stage Coach has not sold. The negotiations are ongoing. The potential buyer is the same. This is not speculation or guessing. Negotiations are ongoing. This is not rumor, it is fact.
--- As of 1 January, 2015, the Dining room will close and not re-open. The cafe will remain open.
2. Does Sanctuary have a permit to build a water treatment plant?
-- Yes. Kim is has had engineers look at the permit. She will give you the results after the holidays. It appears to be a "quality" permit.
3. What are the plans for the new year?
-- The BOA has authorized 4 committees -- to begin working in January. The membership of these committees will be announced in the BOA meeting 15 January. Each committee will have 2 Aldermen/Alder-Lady. Make no mistake, the hours will be long and the meetings numerous. These 4-committees are critical. Groundwork and plans must be completed and approved no later than 1 May.
-- The Village Lawyer and Sanctuary's Lawyer are in conversation and will continue after the Holidays.
-- The date is being set for another 6-hour BOA session near the end of January. The session will be open for the most part, however, the workload is extremely heavy and there will be few opportunities for citizens to talk or ask questions. There will be at least 3 or 4 of these long sessions this year -- usually on a Saturday.
-- There will be a Town Hall meeting with TXDOT late January. TXDOT is looking at the calendar now and that date will be posted shortly after the New Year.
-- January and February, the Municipal Building will be doing some renovations and the Police will be moving next door as soon as it is ready. VOLUNTEERS ARE GOING TO BE NEEDED to help with renovation and moving. Kim and our Maintenance Supervisor will put together the plan, dates announced, and exact work detailed as soon as the Holidays are ended. Please get your paint brushes ready. Landscaping will be part of this. The more volunteers, the better. We need to keep the cost at a minimum.
4. What is the latest on the 1.5 million dollar sewer grant?
-- A decision is expected by the end of January. EDA will inform the Village.
-- Kim is working on a second state grant for this Spring.
5. Are there new developers interested in Salado?
-- Every day, Kim receives a telephone call. This is why those 4 committees mentioned in number 3 are critical. Salado must have its act together and know exactly what to do. The citizens will have a voice through their Aldermen and AlderLady. We will not be caught unprepared. Too much is at stake.
6. Is Killeen looking for another way to I-35 other than 2484 and 190?
-- According to their city officials, yes. By late 2015 or early 2016, plans will be implemented. Their path will be somewhere between Jarrell and Salado. Anything not in an ETJ will be annexed with a Killeen address. This is not a scare tactic, it is fact.
-- Temple has plans, too. It is believed but NOT confirmed that they will come from the South East around Academy and Little River. Annexation is their goal.
-- The completion of I-35, the growth of Texas in the I-35 corridor, and the cost of cities doing business will make this an interesting and difficult year. For the big cities and towns, Annexation is the answer.
This is only a few of the concerns the Village is facing. It is NOT going to be an easy, business-as- usual year. It is going to be fast year but "haste cannot make waste." It is going to be a year that we must pull together, communicate frequently, and be flexible. We must make mature and balanced decisions.
You have a great team of Aldermen/Alderlady -- talk to them frequently. They make and implement the policy. They are deeply concerned and want the best for Salado and you.
You will be kept informed. Read this BLOG frequently. It will keep you updated along with the Village Voice.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Lunch and tour with TXDOT -- Important Information
Thursday, 18 Dec, 11 A.M., the lunch with TXDOT, Waco District, and the Mayor. Here is a summary of a 2-hour lunch and tour of Salado:
1. According to TXDOT, The Holland Road wall on the south side of the bridge was a major point of discussion in a Wednesday meeting between TXDOT and James Construction . TXDOT made it clear to James Construction that the west wall had to be repaired before 31 January. TXDOT is very aware of how long James Construction was taking to complete other projects as well as the constant demolition and not replacing or repairing.
It was made clear to TXDOT that Salado had suffered enough due to crews working one day and being pulled to Belton and Killeen the next. Nothing is ever finished and promises are never kept. Patience is not "running thin;" they no long exist. We want to know what to expect and when to expect it.
This is what TXDOT said:
1. If the weather cooperates, construction will be totally completed between July-September 2015. The last major project is the Salado Plaza intersection. In late January, the work will begin on the major intersection in front of Cowboys restaurant. Salado Plaza will be connected with west Salado Plaza road between Bushes Chicken and Sonic. The old overpass will be destroyed and a new one over Salado Plaza will be constructed. Completion time is 4-5 months.
2. An exit will be made on north I-35 beginning about the Municipal building and ending near Old Town Road ( Sewing Basket and Water Mill shops). This will be completed in the Spring, 15.
3 Once the new Salado Plaza overpass/intersection is completed, the ext to Thomas Arnold Road will be completed at the same time.
4. Much interest about the Robertson Ranch Development and Sanctuary. TXDOT wants ONLY the Village communicating with TXDOT. All discussion much begin with the Village.
5. TXDOT is willing to consider some sidewalks and curbs if the Village assumes Main Street and the Bridge. The Bridge cannot be separated from taking over Main Street since Main Street runs the entire length from Holland Road Exit to Salado Plaza on-ramp (State law). If damage to the bridge occurs, according to TXDOT, it will be covered by Federal money under the Federal Bridge Act -- 80%; the State; 10%; and the Village 10%. The Village Manager and our attorney will be looking into the Federal Bridge Act and State Directives for complete information.
The Sidewalks and curbs will be paid for by TXDOT; however, the amount of sidewalks and curbs will have to be negotiated.
This is the first time TXDOT has been willing to discuss curbs and sidewalks at their expense if the Village takes over Main Street. Total cost of sidewalks and curbs -- between $600,000 and $900,000.
6. The other two bridges: low water bridge between Sheril Park and Old Club House, and low water bridge between Amity and Royal belong to the State and are inspected every 2 years.
The low water bridge between Amity and Royal (bad repair) will be completely placed in September 2015.
When asked if the weeds and debris around the low water bridge between Sheril Park and Old Club House could be done by the state; the answer was "absolutely not."
The village has the three necessary permits to have this done without getting in trouble with the environmental agencies. It is a matter of having the funds to do it. Amber is working on this issue now.
7. James Construction used the road between the Church of Christ and the Municipal building; Pizza Restaurant and Wells Art Gallery to transfer road construction material. The Village is asking James Construction via TXDOT to repave it at no cost to the Village.
8. TXDOT visited all the potential development locations as well as other areas of interest.
9. In late January, there will be a Town Hall meeting between TXDOT and citizens of Salado. A great chance to ask questions and get more answers.
Lunch and tour ended amiably with each side expressing their views and expectation. Information was exchanged but no negotiations discussed.
Monday, December 15, 2014
A must read: the latest on Holland Bridge
This afternoon, Andy Petter, Deputy Director TXDOT, Waco office, responsible for Salado construction, and I exchanged emails about the Holland Bridge. I asked him if there was a problem with the construction of the bridge and not with the retaining wall. Below is the exact words of Andy,
This afternoon, Andy Petter, Deputy Director TXDOT, Waco office, responsible for Salado construction, and I exchanged emails about the Holland Bridge. I asked him if there was a problem with the construction of the bridge and not with the retaining wall. Below is the exact words of Andy,
"Mayor Blancett
This is incorrect. There is not a problem with the bridge. It was constructed correctly and there is no disagreement concerning the bridge.
There are some problems with the retaining wall for the approach roadway on the west side of IH 35 (the southbound frontage road). We have been waiting months for James Construction to devise a solution to repair the retaining wall. They have finally proposed a solution that TxDOT agrees with and James Construction will be making those repairs in the coming weeks. The wall is scheduled to be back in place and the bridge open to traffic by January 31, 2015 at the latest."
There are some problems with the retaining wall for the approach roadway on the west side of IH 35 (the southbound frontage road). We have been waiting months for James Construction to devise a solution to repair the retaining wall. They have finally proposed a solution that TxDOT agrees with and James Construction will be making those repairs in the coming weeks. The wall is scheduled to be back in place and the bridge open to traffic by January 31, 2015 at the latest."
Thursday, The Director of TXDOT Waco Office, Andy, and I will have lunch together and tour Salado. The Holland Bridge will have special attention.
Thursday night or early Friday morning, I will inform you of additional information.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
"We heard the buzz about Salado!
Here are some comments from people who attended the stroll:
"We heard the buzz about Salado and came to see what it was all about. WoW!
"In 12 years, this is the best stroll we have had. Salado is back. It is going to be a great year!"
"There are no stores in Waco that even come close to carrying the goods that Salado carries."
"I have been shopping in the wrong stores. What beautiful clothes."
"This is the Salado that I remember."
"The horse and carriage! It is back! That is fantastic!"
"The Ellison High School Choir is inspiring."
"I cannot believe this stroll! The sales are through the roof."
'What fun! A great day! Perfect weather! Just the best experience I have had this year!"
Here are some comments from people who attended the stroll:
"We heard the buzz about Salado and came to see what it was all about. WoW!
"In 12 years, this is the best stroll we have had. Salado is back. It is going to be a great year!"
"There are no stores in Waco that even come close to carrying the goods that Salado carries."
"I have been shopping in the wrong stores. What beautiful clothes."
"This is the Salado that I remember."
"The horse and carriage! It is back! That is fantastic!"
"The Ellison High School Choir is inspiring."
"I cannot believe this stroll! The sales are through the roof."
'What fun! A great day! Perfect weather! Just the best experience I have had this year!"
To each:
To those who planned and made it happen: You made a "A miracle on main street."
To the shop owners, "You are the talk of the State. Your hospitality, thoughtful snacks, great food, and beautiful decorations demonstrated there is no place like Salado."
To our residents: "You graciously shared our village with lots and lots of people; you shopped in our locally owned stores; and you decorated your yards beautifully.
There is nothing left to say except:
Salado is back better than ever!
This is going to be a great year!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Brief news from the Aldermen's meeting 11 Dec.
The Board of Aldermen/Alderlady meeting was long Thursday evening. We finished at 10:45 P.M. but could have gone to midnight. The Village Voice will be publishing most of the business in the newspaper next Thursday. As a preview to Tim's article(s), here are a few of the items discussed:
Roads -- neighborhood work begins in January and continues for the remainder of 2015.
Planning and Zoning Committee and the Board of Adjustments
The nomination, approval, and swearing in of a new Assistant Judge
Public Hearings
The Road ahead for the Village in negotiating with Developers. Our city lawyer was very helpful in guidance. More work must be done in this area, but the Aldermen/Alderlady have organized and will begin working on specifics immediately.
Office Space. Renovation and the call for volunteers. We will renovate the Municipal Building and the brick house we own next door. Cost -- about $23,500 or less. The Police department will move to the brick house freeing the Municipal Building for office personnel office space. Most of the work will be done by volunteers under the direction of our maintenance supervisor.
ETJ -- will become addressed in 2015. Options are being considered. It is for sure that Killeen is coming down the Florence road between Prairie Hill and Salado in the latter part of 2015 and early 2016. They will annex everything they can. Temple is coming from the Academy direction, south and east. Both see the opportunity to increase their revenue for additional expansion.
Recognition of of one of our finest -- our own police hero.
Environmental Ordinance on a portion of Salado creek and protecting the Salamanders.
The Rotary gift of a covering for the children's play area in Pace Park.
There is a called session of the BOA for 16 December, 6:30 P.M. It will be short session, but some business must be accomplished before the Christmas break.
Buy your tickets for the Chamber Evening Banquet, 8 January. Going to be a super affair.
The Board of Aldermen/Alderlady meeting was long Thursday evening. We finished at 10:45 P.M. but could have gone to midnight. The Village Voice will be publishing most of the business in the newspaper next Thursday. As a preview to Tim's article(s), here are a few of the items discussed:
Roads -- neighborhood work begins in January and continues for the remainder of 2015.
Planning and Zoning Committee and the Board of Adjustments
The nomination, approval, and swearing in of a new Assistant Judge
Public Hearings
The Road ahead for the Village in negotiating with Developers. Our city lawyer was very helpful in guidance. More work must be done in this area, but the Aldermen/Alderlady have organized and will begin working on specifics immediately.
Office Space. Renovation and the call for volunteers. We will renovate the Municipal Building and the brick house we own next door. Cost -- about $23,500 or less. The Police department will move to the brick house freeing the Municipal Building for office personnel office space. Most of the work will be done by volunteers under the direction of our maintenance supervisor.
ETJ -- will become addressed in 2015. Options are being considered. It is for sure that Killeen is coming down the Florence road between Prairie Hill and Salado in the latter part of 2015 and early 2016. They will annex everything they can. Temple is coming from the Academy direction, south and east. Both see the opportunity to increase their revenue for additional expansion.
Recognition of of one of our finest -- our own police hero.
Environmental Ordinance on a portion of Salado creek and protecting the Salamanders.
The Rotary gift of a covering for the children's play area in Pace Park.
There is a called session of the BOA for 16 December, 6:30 P.M. It will be short session, but some business must be accomplished before the Christmas break.
Buy your tickets for the Chamber Evening Banquet, 8 January. Going to be a super affair.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Quietly, behind the scenes . . .
Quietly, behind the scenes, there are events or occasions that we know little about. Yet, they are shaping our present and our future. Last Sunday afternoon, 2 P.M., 14 Salado children presented a piano concert to their family and friends that will be remembered for a life-time. Not only did they play the piano, several sang solos as they played.
Leaving the performance, there was only one thought: "with children and families like these, our world will be fine. The basics are being taught, foundations are being built, and love is being shared that will make our future bright and strong.
As you look at just a few of the performers of today and tomorrow, applaud them and their families. For their safety, their names and faces will not be published, but their talent will be:
Sunday, December 7, 2014
News you should know
News you should know:
1. The material has been purchased to begin crack sealing the roads. Our city maintenance supervisor and two part-time helpers will begin crack sealing in January as long as the temperature is above 40 degrees. This is the first step in road repair. This a significant savings in labor.
2. The Administration office of the City has been going through re-organization. Lindsey, Randy, and a few volunteers have been working non-stop in filing, organizing, and setting up records that can be retrieved in a matter of minutes. For instance, 108 Ordinances have been entered into the computer individually. By giving a date or a name, one stroke of the key will display the desired ordinance/resolution. There are still more Ordinances to be put in, but this is a major accomplishment. This is a huge step providing an efficient, professional business office. When technology is used correctly, it will save a ton of money and time.
3. Space is a major problem. There is not enough space in the Municipal building for our staff. In the next workshop, the Aldermen/Lady will be discussing the brick house just south of the Municipal Building. It is not in great shape, but with some cosmetic repair inside and out, may be useable for the city's Police Department. Chief Hensley has looked at it and is working with our City Manager on the possibilities. It is larger than their present space and will allow for some privacy. The City owns the house so there will be no rent or mortgage payments. Some of the repairs can be done by our maintenance supervisor and a few builder volunteers. Volunteers will be asked to help with painting. The Municipal Building space vacated by the Police Department, will make offices for our City Staff. These buildings will probably be adequate for a few years.
4. Our City Manager and volunteers have been working into the night to meet the deadline for the 1.5 million dollar grant for the Sewer Project. More information was needed and the deadline was set for the 12 December to submit it. The deadline will be met and we will wait anxiously for the approval. EDA, Austin, has gone the second, third, and fourth mile in helping us. So has Senator Cornyn and Congressman Carter's office. In the near future, names and addresses will be given so Salado citizens can write thank you notes.
5. No official meeting has been held between Sanctuary or any other Developer and the Village elected city officials. At this point, there are no negotiations underway. Sanctuary has met with various Salado citizens groups/individuals. The City Officials will be meeting with our City Lawyer in a closed door workshop after the BOA, 11 December, to begin discussing the village's position.
6. The resignation of Larry Barrier, Code Enforcer, was a disappointment. He has worked hard enforcing codes -- not an easy job. Larry will be missed. We wish him the very best. The Aldermen/Lady will be discussing the resignation in the 11 December workshop.
Please shop in the village first. The sales tax will help with roads and other maintenance. And you will get a great gift.
News you should know:
1. The material has been purchased to begin crack sealing the roads. Our city maintenance supervisor and two part-time helpers will begin crack sealing in January as long as the temperature is above 40 degrees. This is the first step in road repair. This a significant savings in labor.
2. The Administration office of the City has been going through re-organization. Lindsey, Randy, and a few volunteers have been working non-stop in filing, organizing, and setting up records that can be retrieved in a matter of minutes. For instance, 108 Ordinances have been entered into the computer individually. By giving a date or a name, one stroke of the key will display the desired ordinance/resolution. There are still more Ordinances to be put in, but this is a major accomplishment. This is a huge step providing an efficient, professional business office. When technology is used correctly, it will save a ton of money and time.
3. Space is a major problem. There is not enough space in the Municipal building for our staff. In the next workshop, the Aldermen/Lady will be discussing the brick house just south of the Municipal Building. It is not in great shape, but with some cosmetic repair inside and out, may be useable for the city's Police Department. Chief Hensley has looked at it and is working with our City Manager on the possibilities. It is larger than their present space and will allow for some privacy. The City owns the house so there will be no rent or mortgage payments. Some of the repairs can be done by our maintenance supervisor and a few builder volunteers. Volunteers will be asked to help with painting. The Municipal Building space vacated by the Police Department, will make offices for our City Staff. These buildings will probably be adequate for a few years.
4. Our City Manager and volunteers have been working into the night to meet the deadline for the 1.5 million dollar grant for the Sewer Project. More information was needed and the deadline was set for the 12 December to submit it. The deadline will be met and we will wait anxiously for the approval. EDA, Austin, has gone the second, third, and fourth mile in helping us. So has Senator Cornyn and Congressman Carter's office. In the near future, names and addresses will be given so Salado citizens can write thank you notes.
5. No official meeting has been held between Sanctuary or any other Developer and the Village elected city officials. At this point, there are no negotiations underway. Sanctuary has met with various Salado citizens groups/individuals. The City Officials will be meeting with our City Lawyer in a closed door workshop after the BOA, 11 December, to begin discussing the village's position.
6. The resignation of Larry Barrier, Code Enforcer, was a disappointment. He has worked hard enforcing codes -- not an easy job. Larry will be missed. We wish him the very best. The Aldermen/Lady will be discussing the resignation in the 11 December workshop.
Please shop in the village first. The sales tax will help with roads and other maintenance. And you will get a great gift.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Meeting with TXDOT and James Construction
Thursday afternoon, 2 P.M., the monthly meeting with TXDOT and James Construction took place. Discussion centered on the following:
1. The Holland Bridge. Once, again, the information was that the repair of the bridge had been approved and that repairs would start soon. Once, again, we said, "You said that last month.
If it is not done soon, the citizens are ready to sign a petition and send it to the Governor. People are tired of waiting. It does not take 8 months to solve a problem. Enough is enough. If it is not completed by mid-January, a letter will go forward."
2. The 2484 bridge. "You said last month that the new bridge would be completed and in use before Thanksgiving. You also said that the old bridge would be destroyed before Thanksgiving. Neither have happened."
Reply: "We are almost there. Concrete is being poured as we speak. It will be done in the next few weeks. We had an entire crew of 23 workers go back to Mexico for their annual Holiday period that will last for a month.
3. The exit off 35 that ends at Old Town Road (Sewing Basket and Old Town Salado Shopping Center. Is it going to happen?
Reply:"It is going to happen. The plans are there and it will begin after the new year."
4. Construction at Salado Plaza Road -- Cowboy intersection. "You said there would not be any construction before or during the stroll. You are putting in drainage culverts and blocks."
Reply: "This will not take long. We will get it done soon and there will be no more until after the new year."
5. "The Village Officials will schedule a town hall meeting for late January or early February. You are assured that the citizens will attend and their comments will be heard. Not happy are kind words for their feelings. The are tired and want this construction ended. Promises are only good for so long. They have been patient, but when one project is started and never finished, it is devastating."
There were other small items discussed before the meeting ended.
Weather has been a factor, but not that much. Come the end of January, there will be a Town Hall meeting and you will be encouraged to attend and express your feelings. If the weather is good and the Holland Bridge is not repaired by mid-January, a letter will be written to the Governor. Enough time has elapsed and it is time for action.
Thursday afternoon, 2 P.M., the monthly meeting with TXDOT and James Construction took place. Discussion centered on the following:
1. The Holland Bridge. Once, again, the information was that the repair of the bridge had been approved and that repairs would start soon. Once, again, we said, "You said that last month.
If it is not done soon, the citizens are ready to sign a petition and send it to the Governor. People are tired of waiting. It does not take 8 months to solve a problem. Enough is enough. If it is not completed by mid-January, a letter will go forward."
2. The 2484 bridge. "You said last month that the new bridge would be completed and in use before Thanksgiving. You also said that the old bridge would be destroyed before Thanksgiving. Neither have happened."
Reply: "We are almost there. Concrete is being poured as we speak. It will be done in the next few weeks. We had an entire crew of 23 workers go back to Mexico for their annual Holiday period that will last for a month.
3. The exit off 35 that ends at Old Town Road (Sewing Basket and Old Town Salado Shopping Center. Is it going to happen?
Reply:"It is going to happen. The plans are there and it will begin after the new year."
4. Construction at Salado Plaza Road -- Cowboy intersection. "You said there would not be any construction before or during the stroll. You are putting in drainage culverts and blocks."
Reply: "This will not take long. We will get it done soon and there will be no more until after the new year."
5. "The Village Officials will schedule a town hall meeting for late January or early February. You are assured that the citizens will attend and their comments will be heard. Not happy are kind words for their feelings. The are tired and want this construction ended. Promises are only good for so long. They have been patient, but when one project is started and never finished, it is devastating."
There were other small items discussed before the meeting ended.
Weather has been a factor, but not that much. Come the end of January, there will be a Town Hall meeting and you will be encouraged to attend and express your feelings. If the weather is good and the Holland Bridge is not repaired by mid-January, a letter will be written to the Governor. Enough time has elapsed and it is time for action.
Tis the Season -- and its off and running!
The stroll has started and the evidence proclaims a great Christmas season.
People are talking about the Parade. What a fun, family event. The rain did not stop the families and the children. More people this year than in previous years. Bands came from as far away as University High School, Waco. Brought back old memories of the rival between University and LaVega. Each year, before the Friday evening football game, University would burn a big "U" our lawn. Oh, My!
The children lighting the Salado Christmas tree was more than special. There is nothing like the excitement and wonderment of children at Christmas. The cookies and hot chocolate went faster than fast. And, Santa, was tremendous. Handing him the list brought forth a sign, and "Are you ever going to grow-up?"
43 floats that made the Rose Parade blush with envy. One was an ancient pick-up truck with headlights of all colors. And, once again, the children -- twirlers, tumblers, Sunday School classes, and bands. Fort Hood was spectacular with their band and horses.
Checking with a few stores Friday afternoon -- lots of people and good sales.
Everyone is looking forward to "Christmas Carol" at Table Rock. Please do not miss this presentation. It is going to be spectacular.
Lots and lots happening. Enjoy!
The stroll has started and the evidence proclaims a great Christmas season.
People are talking about the Parade. What a fun, family event. The rain did not stop the families and the children. More people this year than in previous years. Bands came from as far away as University High School, Waco. Brought back old memories of the rival between University and LaVega. Each year, before the Friday evening football game, University would burn a big "U" our lawn. Oh, My!
The children lighting the Salado Christmas tree was more than special. There is nothing like the excitement and wonderment of children at Christmas. The cookies and hot chocolate went faster than fast. And, Santa, was tremendous. Handing him the list brought forth a sign, and "Are you ever going to grow-up?"
43 floats that made the Rose Parade blush with envy. One was an ancient pick-up truck with headlights of all colors. And, once again, the children -- twirlers, tumblers, Sunday School classes, and bands. Fort Hood was spectacular with their band and horses.
Checking with a few stores Friday afternoon -- lots of people and good sales.
Everyone is looking forward to "Christmas Carol" at Table Rock. Please do not miss this presentation. It is going to be spectacular.
Lots and lots happening. Enjoy!
Monday, December 1, 2014
Sanctuary, Tuesday, 6 P.M., Municipal Building
This is a very busy time of the year -- decorations, stroll, shopping, planning, and a host of other things.
In the midst of this is the 3rd workshop offered by Sanctuary. The last two have been very interesting.
The discussion will center on trails and connecting downtown with Sanctuary. Should be very interesting.
Hope to see you there. VR/Skip
This is a very busy time of the year -- decorations, stroll, shopping, planning, and a host of other things.
In the midst of this is the 3rd workshop offered by Sanctuary. The last two have been very interesting.
The discussion will center on trails and connecting downtown with Sanctuary. Should be very interesting.
Hope to see you there. VR/Skip
Saturday, November 29, 2014
A win-win tip for those that love Salado
Would you like a win, win tip?
Shop Salado -- seriously, shop Salado.
When you shop Salado, we get the sales tax. When we get the sales tax, it helps keep property taxes down.
And here is the best part of it all -- you get something for your money. You get a nice gift for yourself or for a special person. In addition, you get better village services -- roads, sewer, etc.
And, you want another reason. Our shops will continue keeping Salado the quaint, interesting village that everyone loves.
Belton, Temple, Austin, Georgetown, Killeen, CC, Harker Heights, Round Rock, etc. will not do that for you. You might get something a few dollars cheaper, but in the long run; you will not get near the advantages of buying in Salado. You also have to figure in gas cost and time spent driving to save a few dollars. And, you do not have the endless traffic and the crowds.
One other thought. Vendors come in with their trucks to sell. Salado does not get the sales tax. If they are from Brownwood and the address on their tax number/certificate is a Brownwood address; Brownwood gets the sales tax. In addition, vendors do not have to pay rent, insurance, and utilities. Yes, they have to pay for a permit, but it is nothing compared to our shop owners.
Please consider shopping Salado carefully. This is what it is going to take to continue bringing Salado back. If you love this village and want it to be everything it is now and more, walk the talk.
Please shop Salado.
Would you like a win, win tip?
Shop Salado -- seriously, shop Salado.
When you shop Salado, we get the sales tax. When we get the sales tax, it helps keep property taxes down.
And here is the best part of it all -- you get something for your money. You get a nice gift for yourself or for a special person. In addition, you get better village services -- roads, sewer, etc.
And, you want another reason. Our shops will continue keeping Salado the quaint, interesting village that everyone loves.
Belton, Temple, Austin, Georgetown, Killeen, CC, Harker Heights, Round Rock, etc. will not do that for you. You might get something a few dollars cheaper, but in the long run; you will not get near the advantages of buying in Salado. You also have to figure in gas cost and time spent driving to save a few dollars. And, you do not have the endless traffic and the crowds.
One other thought. Vendors come in with their trucks to sell. Salado does not get the sales tax. If they are from Brownwood and the address on their tax number/certificate is a Brownwood address; Brownwood gets the sales tax. In addition, vendors do not have to pay rent, insurance, and utilities. Yes, they have to pay for a permit, but it is nothing compared to our shop owners.
Please consider shopping Salado carefully. This is what it is going to take to continue bringing Salado back. If you love this village and want it to be everything it is now and more, walk the talk.
Please shop Salado.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Wisdom came softly
Robert Frost’s “My November Guest,” writes:
“The desolate, deserted trees,
The faded, earth, the
heavy sky,
The beauties she so truly sees,
She thinks I have no eye for these,
And vexes me for
reasons why.”
in Salado, a month when we prepare for the Holidays and silently say, “thank
you for lawns that need no mowing, a time-change that brings about family meals,
a favorite television show, a good book, some long-awaited conversation, or
just a time to fire-stare without feeling guilt.
when we honor Veterans and silently worry about our country’s challenges with a
nagging intuition of more Purple Hearts and Gold Star families to come. And, with those thoughts; we hold our
children closer and say more often, “I love you.”
when we look at star-filled skies and say “thank you for unexplained beauty,”
and awake to a golden, breath-taking sunrise. For rain and cold that remind us the seasons come-and-go on
November, when we gather for a family
Thanksgiving or work on a serving line at a highway rest-stop offering free
Thanksgiving meals to weary travelers; when we count blessings for what we have
and forget the negativism that destroys mind and soul.
when we reflect over the year and say, “It wasn’t so bad after-all. The construction did not destroy us; our
neighborhoods more beautiful than ever; our friends more cherished; our
way-of-life still intact. I may
not have gotten my way; or may not have made as much money as I wanted; or may
not be as healthy as desired; but money is not every thing; health is most
important; and nothing is greater than family and friends.
And, with the November guest, Wisdom came softly. Happy November.
The Rest Stop became more than rest -- Salado at its best
I trust that you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and a fun-day or evening of shopping.
The lights appearing around Salado are beautiful. They are expensive and the electric bill will be higher, but they are beautiful and well-done. Thank you.
Thanksgiving Day at the I35 South Rest Area was very inspiring and moving. Salado United Methodist Church did a well-organized and very successful free Thanksgiving Lunch for travelers. Working in shifts from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M., members and friends served large numbers of people from all walks of life.
The plates of food was bountiful with turkey, dressing, and all the trimmings. The tables were filled with deserts. And, the smiles, the happiness, the cheer, the greetings that makes SALADO SPECIAL were everywhere from the moment you got out of the car until you left.
Some people who stopped had very little -- a worn-out pick-up with their belongings and nothing more. Others had plenty which was evident in dress and transportation. It did not matter, they were all one as they ate together and discussed the beautiful day and the meaning of Thanksgiving.
Thank you, Salado United Methodist. You made Thanksgiving real -- a day, maybe the only day, that brought joy and friendship to all. It was probably costly in time and money; but what you did will be shared for many days to come -- and you cannot buy that kind of service, friendship, and appreciation.
I trust that you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and a fun-day or evening of shopping.
The lights appearing around Salado are beautiful. They are expensive and the electric bill will be higher, but they are beautiful and well-done. Thank you.
Thanksgiving Day at the I35 South Rest Area was very inspiring and moving. Salado United Methodist Church did a well-organized and very successful free Thanksgiving Lunch for travelers. Working in shifts from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M., members and friends served large numbers of people from all walks of life.
The plates of food was bountiful with turkey, dressing, and all the trimmings. The tables were filled with deserts. And, the smiles, the happiness, the cheer, the greetings that makes SALADO SPECIAL were everywhere from the moment you got out of the car until you left.
Some people who stopped had very little -- a worn-out pick-up with their belongings and nothing more. Others had plenty which was evident in dress and transportation. It did not matter, they were all one as they ate together and discussed the beautiful day and the meaning of Thanksgiving.
Thank you, Salado United Methodist. You made Thanksgiving real -- a day, maybe the only day, that brought joy and friendship to all. It was probably costly in time and money; but what you did will be shared for many days to come -- and you cannot buy that kind of service, friendship, and appreciation.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Community Thanksgiving Service
Our village came together for the Community Thanksgiving Service Sunday evening at Grace Baptist Church. Ministers from Grace Baptist, Presbyterian Church of Salado, Salado Church of Christ, First Baptist Church, St. Stephen's Catholic Church, St Joseph's Episcopal Church, and Salado United Methodist participated in the service.
Special music was presented by the Salado Community Chorus, and, as usual, it was outstanding.
Reverend Bob Bliss, St. Joseph's Episcopal Church gave an excellent thought-provoking sermon that brought home the Thanksgiving message.
The evening offering went to the Salado Family Relief Fund.
Afterwards, the village gathered for refreshments in the fellowship hall. There were more deserts than could be counted, and everyone enjoyed them all.
The Village Thanksgiving Service was an excellent way to begin the Thanksgiving season. As a Village, we have so much in which to be thankful.
Our village came together for the Community Thanksgiving Service Sunday evening at Grace Baptist Church. Ministers from Grace Baptist, Presbyterian Church of Salado, Salado Church of Christ, First Baptist Church, St. Stephen's Catholic Church, St Joseph's Episcopal Church, and Salado United Methodist participated in the service.
Special music was presented by the Salado Community Chorus, and, as usual, it was outstanding.
Reverend Bob Bliss, St. Joseph's Episcopal Church gave an excellent thought-provoking sermon that brought home the Thanksgiving message.
The evening offering went to the Salado Family Relief Fund.
Afterwards, the village gathered for refreshments in the fellowship hall. There were more deserts than could be counted, and everyone enjoyed them all.
The Village Thanksgiving Service was an excellent way to begin the Thanksgiving season. As a Village, we have so much in which to be thankful.
Thank you, Salado Village Pastors for bring us together.
A great idea!
Carolyn Milliser put this thought on her Time Line. She is right.
We all love and appreciate Salado, so let's do our part. Shop Salado first. There are some great stores and great store owners. It will continue to make our Village strong and vibrant. VR/Skip
Carolyn Milliser put this thought on her Time Line. She is right.
We all love and appreciate Salado, so let's do our part. Shop Salado first. There are some great stores and great store owners. It will continue to make our Village strong and vibrant. VR/Skip
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The beauty of fall in Salado
This fall is especially beautiful with all the trees decorated in their finest clothes of splendor. The oranges, the reds, the golden yellows, and rich browns have added color to our village making it more picturesque than ever.
We cannot lose the charm of this village. Salado is not a "brand," it is a way of life that few places in the world enjoys. May we work together to protect the beauty and charm of Salado as we go forward. Progress will eventually come but if we plan and manager our resources carefully; we can maintain our way of life as well as the beauty that surrounds us.
This fall is especially beautiful with all the trees decorated in their finest clothes of splendor. The oranges, the reds, the golden yellows, and rich browns have added color to our village making it more picturesque than ever.
We cannot lose the charm of this village. Salado is not a "brand," it is a way of life that few places in the world enjoys. May we work together to protect the beauty and charm of Salado as we go forward. Progress will eventually come but if we plan and manager our resources carefully; we can maintain our way of life as well as the beauty that surrounds us.
Thank you for making Salado special!
A talented Man
In his early years, he worked for J.C. Penny.
At the age of 35, he started painting as a hobby.
His wife recognized his talent and sold some of his paintings.
Before leaving J.C. Penny, he painted for them, too.
He opened a gallery in Dallas and started going to Art shows on the weekend.
One of the shows he especially enjoyed was the Salado Art Show.
In 1999, their love for Salado brought them here and he opened a gallery in Old Town Salado.
When you walk into his shop, you feel the friendly, kind spirit of a man who has mastered life.
In his early years, he worked for J.C. Penny.
At the age of 35, he started painting as a hobby.
His wife recognized his talent and sold some of his paintings.
Before leaving J.C. Penny, he painted for them, too.
He opened a gallery in Dallas and started going to Art shows on the weekend.
One of the shows he especially enjoyed was the Salado Art Show.
In 1999, their love for Salado brought them here and he opened a gallery in Old Town Salado.
When you walk into his shop, you feel the friendly, kind spirit of a man who has mastered life.
Meet Mr. B. Herd, a very talented artist and a wonderful gentleman.
Soup Heaven
What a great event -- the empty bowl project!
The best tasting soups ever!
The fellowship that makes you extremely proud to live in Salado!
The generosity that will help the less fortunate!
And, the beautiful, creative bowls that will grace our homes and be passed to the next generation.
What a great event -- the empty bowl project!
The best tasting soups ever!
The fellowship that makes you extremely proud to live in Salado!
The generosity that will help the less fortunate!
And, the beautiful, creative bowls that will grace our homes and be passed to the next generation.
This is Salado -- neighbors with neighbors, sharing friendships and breaking bread.
"So many beautiful bowls! Which shall I pick?"
Thank you, volunteers, for giving your time. Thank you, bowl makers for beautiful bowls. Thank you, friends, for sharing your lunch with others. Thank you, businesses, for the great soup.
Each of you makes Salado a wonderful place in which to live. You are the best of the best!
The news we are expecting
We are awaiting news on the following:
1. Our 1.5 million dollar sewer grant we submitted to Economic Development Agency in October is still working. The last heard was that it was out of committee and on the Regional Director's Desk. (Do not get too excited, that does not mean much). This is a matching grant. The Federal Government gives us 1.5 million that does not have to be paid back and the Village matches it. We can do that because of the sewer bond election. It will give us 3 million which will help keep the overall costs down significantly as well as your property taxes.
Many, many thanks to Senator Cornyn and Congressman Carter for their significant support. THEY BELIEVE IN SALADO and want the best for you and your village. They will help identify more available grants.
Yes, we are going after more grants. Kim is working on a spring grant offered by the State of Texas to refurbish downtown -- curbs, sidewalks, lighting, etc.
Like all grants, there are no guarantees. They must be written well and involve political networking.
We can do both.
2. Stagecoach Inn. People are always asking, "Have you heard anything?" The answer is "No, we have not heard anything." To the best of our knowledge, it is still working. We are patiently waiting and do not want to upset any negotiations by asking questions. Stagecoach is important to our community.
3. Robertson Land Sale. Outside there being a contract, nothing else is new.
4. A group of citizens and professionals with sewer engineering experience is being formed to discuss the sewer development and a time line. This committee will begin working shortly after the Holidays. If you are interested, please call Kim, Village Administrator, 947-5060.
5. The Village Office gets a number of telephone calls and visitors from developers asking questions about future development. They are usually very guarded with their plans. As soon as there is solid, accurate information, it will shared with you. We are not going to be saying, "Received telephone call from such and such developer and they are interested in us." That only produces uninformed gossip. As soon as we know something for sure; you will be the first to know along with the Planning and Zoning Committee.
Just wanting to keep you informed of what we know and do not know.
We are awaiting news on the following:
1. Our 1.5 million dollar sewer grant we submitted to Economic Development Agency in October is still working. The last heard was that it was out of committee and on the Regional Director's Desk. (Do not get too excited, that does not mean much). This is a matching grant. The Federal Government gives us 1.5 million that does not have to be paid back and the Village matches it. We can do that because of the sewer bond election. It will give us 3 million which will help keep the overall costs down significantly as well as your property taxes.
Many, many thanks to Senator Cornyn and Congressman Carter for their significant support. THEY BELIEVE IN SALADO and want the best for you and your village. They will help identify more available grants.
Yes, we are going after more grants. Kim is working on a spring grant offered by the State of Texas to refurbish downtown -- curbs, sidewalks, lighting, etc.
Like all grants, there are no guarantees. They must be written well and involve political networking.
We can do both.
2. Stagecoach Inn. People are always asking, "Have you heard anything?" The answer is "No, we have not heard anything." To the best of our knowledge, it is still working. We are patiently waiting and do not want to upset any negotiations by asking questions. Stagecoach is important to our community.
3. Robertson Land Sale. Outside there being a contract, nothing else is new.
4. A group of citizens and professionals with sewer engineering experience is being formed to discuss the sewer development and a time line. This committee will begin working shortly after the Holidays. If you are interested, please call Kim, Village Administrator, 947-5060.
5. The Village Office gets a number of telephone calls and visitors from developers asking questions about future development. They are usually very guarded with their plans. As soon as there is solid, accurate information, it will shared with you. We are not going to be saying, "Received telephone call from such and such developer and they are interested in us." That only produces uninformed gossip. As soon as we know something for sure; you will be the first to know along with the Planning and Zoning Committee.
Just wanting to keep you informed of what we know and do not know.
Sanctuary -- the latest.
Tuesday night, 18 November, was the 2nd meeting hosted by Sanctuary. Over 70 people met in the Municipal Building to hear the Sanctuary developers' plans.
With each meeting, new details come forward.
Tuesday night, 18 November, was the 2nd meeting hosted by Sanctuary. Over 70 people met in the Municipal Building to hear the Sanctuary developers' plans.
With each meeting, new details come forward.
Madison Inselmann
Director of Development
Sanctuary Development, emailed the themes from Workshop #2 as they interpreted the evening:
Themes from Workshop #2
- Sanctuary Rights-of-Way – In order to achieve a connected community with vehicular, bike, and pedestrian pathways, Sanctuary and even Main Street will want to have alternatives to the roadway designs.
- Annexation - Annexing Sanctuary into Village contingent upon Development Agreement with Village of Salado and must be a “win-win” for both.
- Sanctuary AND (not “or”) Salado (GROWTH) – Sanctuary’s focus on managing growth and assimilating target consumer groups that are pre-kids, families, and empty-nesters (aka, post-kids). Sanctuary expects to build 20-40 homes per year, not 100. This is going to be an exercise in craftsmanship.
- Sanctuary AND (not “or”) Salado (CONNECTIVITY) – Linking Main Street to FM 2268 through pathways and theme remains the key issues for meeting attendees. The December 2nd meeting will devote much time to this effort.
- Waste Water Treatment Plant – Step 1 was passing the bond. Step 2 is a plant to design and onstruct the facilities and lines. Effluent (repurposed) water that is safe will be used for streams and irrigation systems of the community.
A number of telephone calls were made to the Village Office with questions. The best answers at this point cannot be given because it is evolving with each session. This being said, please know:
1. At this point, the Village is not involved in negotiations with Sanctuary. Like you, we are listening intently to the plans. Please, this needs to be repeated: "We have not been and are not currently involved in negotiations."
2. Our city lawyer will be involved in any negotiations. Yes, it is costly but the Village cannot afford to make a mistake. The intent is to be cautious. In the future, "what we do for one developer, we have to do for all." We must be very clear in all matters and expectations.
3. The saying of old, "Haste makes waste," is true and it also causes life-long heartache. Common sense, balance, and clear, intelligent thinking must be a part of progress.
The elected village officials need you to attend these meetings and let us know what you are thinking -- concerns, questions, and opinions. The next one is 2 December, 6 P.M., City Municipal Building.
Some guidance:
Listen well.
Compare what has been said and what is being said.
Ask hard questions, but keep them positive. This is not a time for negative comments.
Be Salado -- smart, intelligent, a cut-above, independent, and balanced.
You are a great community -- a great village. Together will protect our past, plan for the present, and design for the future.
Salado style decorating -- only in Salado!
The Holiday Season is here. Whatever happened to Thanksgiving? Christmas is here.
Last Saturday should have been entitled "How many Salado citizens does it take to hold a pole that is about to become the spine of a Christmas Tree?" The following picture will give you some idea:
The Holiday Season is here. Whatever happened to Thanksgiving? Christmas is here.
Last Saturday should have been entitled "How many Salado citizens does it take to hold a pole that is about to become the spine of a Christmas Tree?" The following picture will give you some idea:
George and Frank discussing which end goes into the ground. "If the star goes into the ground, no one will see it."
"I know, but it will make a good base."
Through cold, off-and-on-rain, and lots of laughter, 12 big electric Christmas trees, Angels, and lights became a part of this year's Christmas decorations. Starting early and going until 5 P.M., the motley crew worked diligently getting things ready. And like all work details, there has to be a boss. Say hello to:
" Move it to the right. No, to the left. No, I like it where it was. Well, maybe a little to the right. Too much. Go left."
This is a super great community. Be a part of it. Lots of fun and things get done. Decorating last Saturday will live in the memories of all of us.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Sanctuary Development meeting, Tuesday, 11 November
The Sanctuary Development meeting last Tuesday evening in the Community Room, Library, was interesting and informational. The room was full of citizens and Sanctuary personnel. Mr. Robert Sulaski led the meeting.
It started with him asking if we knew anything about the property. His geologist and others had researched/examined the property and discovered that there was a cave and water under the land. Other than this, nothing. The citizens had no other information.
Robert asked if there were questions?
For the next 90 minutes, it was question and answer time. There were many, many questions and Robert answered each question patiently and with as much information as he could. The development is still in the research/planning stages.
There were too many questions to list, much less to remember. However, here are a few of the answers given:
There will be:
Homes ranging from $225,000 to $850,000.
A Wellness/fitness Center
Senior care facilities
An amphitheater for concerts, plays, etc. (over 1500 seats with very professional productions)
Many walking and biking trails
8 lakes
A boutique hotel (i.e. Hilton, Sheraton)
WildFire will remain as part of the Development
Medical care facility
The Development will
Help the city with the Sewer
Come into the City limits
Take 15-20 years to complete
Respect the Historical District of Salado to include shops
Directly Connect Main Street with Holland Road
Will NOT have a golf course; Salado's golf course will be used exclusively
The Developer
Has talked with the potential buyers of Stage Coach
"looked at" the Robertson Ranch land which is under contract with another Developer"
Will work with both potential buyers in planning
Will make Salado his home as well as have another home on the East Coast
The next meeting of Sanctuary is next Tuesday, 18 November, in the MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 6 P.M.
If the second meeting is anything like this last meeting, you will leave with much information. The more you know; the better it will be.
The Sanctuary Development meeting last Tuesday evening in the Community Room, Library, was interesting and informational. The room was full of citizens and Sanctuary personnel. Mr. Robert Sulaski led the meeting.
It started with him asking if we knew anything about the property. His geologist and others had researched/examined the property and discovered that there was a cave and water under the land. Other than this, nothing. The citizens had no other information.
Robert asked if there were questions?
For the next 90 minutes, it was question and answer time. There were many, many questions and Robert answered each question patiently and with as much information as he could. The development is still in the research/planning stages.
There were too many questions to list, much less to remember. However, here are a few of the answers given:
There will be:
Homes ranging from $225,000 to $850,000.
A Wellness/fitness Center
Senior care facilities
An amphitheater for concerts, plays, etc. (over 1500 seats with very professional productions)
Many walking and biking trails
8 lakes
A boutique hotel (i.e. Hilton, Sheraton)
WildFire will remain as part of the Development
Medical care facility
The Development will
Help the city with the Sewer
Come into the City limits
Take 15-20 years to complete
Respect the Historical District of Salado to include shops
Directly Connect Main Street with Holland Road
Will NOT have a golf course; Salado's golf course will be used exclusively
The Developer
Has talked with the potential buyers of Stage Coach
"looked at" the Robertson Ranch land which is under contract with another Developer"
Will work with both potential buyers in planning
Will make Salado his home as well as have another home on the East Coast
The next meeting of Sanctuary is next Tuesday, 18 November, in the MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 6 P.M.
If the second meeting is anything like this last meeting, you will leave with much information. The more you know; the better it will be.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
The Road Repair Plan
Road Repair, depending on the weather, will begin in January.
Priority of this project is #1 along with the sewer. Plans for the sewer are in the beginning stages and will continue into next year.
In the last Board of Aldermen (BOA) these are the facts and plan the road committee presented:
1. Their are three types of road repair that will take place. The first will be Crack sealing which is necessary to keep the water from getting into the cracks and causing more damage.

2. The second type of road repair is Seal coating. Below are the recommendations to include the streets that will be receive first treatment. Notice the cost estimate and what Bell County is willing to do.

3. The third type of road repair is reconstruction. Below is the plan:

Money may not be available for ribbon curbing, the third point in this slide.
Our City Administrator, Kim Faust, and the road committee chaired by Alderman Mike McDougal will be glad to answer your questions, 947-5060.
The BOA realizes that road repair will be an ongoing project forever. Once all the roads are repaired, it will be time to start the process over. Each year, money allocated in the budget will be used.
What is important to know: (1) There is a plan and it will begin immediately; (2) research is on-going on how to repair the roads the most cost effective yet quality way possible; (3) the people who make up the Road Repair Committee are committed and will continue to work and plan for out future.
Road Repair, depending on the weather, will begin in January.
Priority of this project is #1 along with the sewer. Plans for the sewer are in the beginning stages and will continue into next year.
In the last Board of Aldermen (BOA) these are the facts and plan the road committee presented:
1. Their are three types of road repair that will take place. The first will be Crack sealing which is necessary to keep the water from getting into the cracks and causing more damage.
2. The second type of road repair is Seal coating. Below are the recommendations to include the streets that will be receive first treatment. Notice the cost estimate and what Bell County is willing to do.
3. The third type of road repair is reconstruction. Below is the plan:
Money may not be available for ribbon curbing, the third point in this slide.
Our City Administrator, Kim Faust, and the road committee chaired by Alderman Mike McDougal will be glad to answer your questions, 947-5060.
The BOA realizes that road repair will be an ongoing project forever. Once all the roads are repaired, it will be time to start the process over. Each year, money allocated in the budget will be used.
What is important to know: (1) There is a plan and it will begin immediately; (2) research is on-going on how to repair the roads the most cost effective yet quality way possible; (3) the people who make up the Road Repair Committee are committed and will continue to work and plan for out future.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Sanctuary Development and Sculpture Park Ribbon Cutting
If you want to know more about the Sanctuary Development, the following may be a good opportunity to listen and learn more about the project:
November 11 -- Establishing a framework for a growing community
November 18 -- Providing for the Village and the Community
December 2 -- Building a unique community but still one Village
January 12 -- Financing a new Community
January 26 -- Adding the Jewelry to the Community
These informational sessions presented by the Sanctuary Developer, Robert Sulaski, will be held in the Salado Library Community Room. The time is not known, but Monday, please call the Village Office and ask, 947-5060.
(2) On 17 November, 5:30 P.M., there will be a ribbon cutting for the Sculpture Park on Salado Plaza. It is a beautiful Park. If you have a moment, please come. Sculpture Park is a treasure for our Village.
If you want to know more about the Sanctuary Development, the following may be a good opportunity to listen and learn more about the project:
November 11 -- Establishing a framework for a growing community
November 18 -- Providing for the Village and the Community
December 2 -- Building a unique community but still one Village
January 12 -- Financing a new Community
January 26 -- Adding the Jewelry to the Community
These informational sessions presented by the Sanctuary Developer, Robert Sulaski, will be held in the Salado Library Community Room. The time is not known, but Monday, please call the Village Office and ask, 947-5060.
(2) On 17 November, 5:30 P.M., there will be a ribbon cutting for the Sculpture Park on Salado Plaza. It is a beautiful Park. If you have a moment, please come. Sculpture Park is a treasure for our Village.
The latest from TXDOT
Tuesday, a brief informal meeting was held with Andy and Jason of TXDot.
The following is in the information received:
* FM 2484 bridge opening- They are planning on having the new 2484 bridge opened to traffic by the 1st week in December. Once the bridge is opened, within a week, the old bridge will be destroyed.
* Southbound Frontage construction from 2484 to Main St- They plan on doing the tie in of the new Southbound frontage approach to the new 2484 bridge and indicated that this will be complete by the 1st week in December.
* IH 35 bridge at Salado Plaza- The contractors schedule indicates closing the existing bridge after the 1st of the year and opening the new bridge sometime in mid-Summer 2016. They are looking at ways to accelerate this work and complete the bridge construction sooner. This is very interesting because this section is the last major construction to be done. That means construction is gong to end much earlier than November of next year. This is a major schedule change. After this section is done, all this left is cleaning up and completing any minor adjustments.
Many have asked about the Holland road bridge. According to Jason, Andy, and Cody's replacement, the problem of Texas and James Construction not agreeing on how to stabilize the west side has been solved. They said that the bridge will be open by the end of December or sooner. It was explained to them that this was a major irritation and that something needed to be done as soon as possible.
Citizen complaints were given to them concerning the frontage road of I-35 and the need to clean-up and level-out. They said they would do it immediately. Also, they will either repair and paint the sign in front of the Municipal Building or move it. The sign belongs to James Construction who places their notices on it. It has been in bad repair for a year.
TXDot will return in December for another informal meeting.
A Town Hall is being planned for January.
The Destruction Construction Nightmare is coming to an end.
Tuesday, a brief informal meeting was held with Andy and Jason of TXDot.
The following is in the information received:
* FM 2484 bridge opening- They are planning on having the new 2484 bridge opened to traffic by the 1st week in December. Once the bridge is opened, within a week, the old bridge will be destroyed.
* Southbound Frontage construction from 2484 to Main St- They plan on doing the tie in of the new Southbound frontage approach to the new 2484 bridge and indicated that this will be complete by the 1st week in December.
* IH 35 bridge at Salado Plaza- The contractors schedule indicates closing the existing bridge after the 1st of the year and opening the new bridge sometime in mid-Summer 2016. They are looking at ways to accelerate this work and complete the bridge construction sooner. This is very interesting because this section is the last major construction to be done. That means construction is gong to end much earlier than November of next year. This is a major schedule change. After this section is done, all this left is cleaning up and completing any minor adjustments.
Many have asked about the Holland road bridge. According to Jason, Andy, and Cody's replacement, the problem of Texas and James Construction not agreeing on how to stabilize the west side has been solved. They said that the bridge will be open by the end of December or sooner. It was explained to them that this was a major irritation and that something needed to be done as soon as possible.
Citizen complaints were given to them concerning the frontage road of I-35 and the need to clean-up and level-out. They said they would do it immediately. Also, they will either repair and paint the sign in front of the Municipal Building or move it. The sign belongs to James Construction who places their notices on it. It has been in bad repair for a year.
TXDot will return in December for another informal meeting.
A Town Hall is being planned for January.
The Destruction Construction Nightmare is coming to an end.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Events you may not know
1. Horsefeathers has sold and currently the new owners are looking for lease tenants. In front of the property is the lease sign and telephone number. Great location. The new owners paid a serious amount of money for the property meaning they see a great future for Salado. That is proof positive.
2. The dedication of Sirena last evening was spectacular. It was simple, moving, and very meaningful. On the banks of Salado Creek, Troy Kelley, artist, told the process he used in making Sirena and and the magical catfish. The mood of the evening was friendly and warm; the pride felt deeply and genuinely. Truly this is Salado -- the people and love of history, tradition, and art. Thank you, Public Art League, Salado (PALS), for a world-class dedication.
3. Following the dedication, a reception was held in Larry Prellop's Art Gallery. The food was wonderful, but the fellowship was outstanding as old friends and new acquaintances chatted. Of course, the art on every wall was beautiful; such great, talented artists.
4. Open House at the Spring House was extremely superb. The decorations were exquisite and the items for sale, special and one-of-a-kind. The soloist was simply awe-inspiring. What a voice; what passion. This was a very enjoyable hour in a beautiful store. Thank you for inviting the community.
Folks, you have such a wonderful village. Thank you for making it special and meaningful. No one does it better than you!
Most respectfully, Skip
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Halloween in the Village
October 31, Halloween, 2014, was a fun ghost and goblin evening in our Village. It really started Wednesday evening with "Trunk or Treat" at the United Methodist Church.
Friday, the Baptist had an evening event at the Wildfire Horse Arena while the Episcopal Church had a Carnival-like event to include a Maze.
Trucks pulling trailers loaded with adults and children came through the neighborhoods wanting treats and sweets.
Most important, all returned home safe. Maybe a little too many sweets to make mom happy. Here are a few pictures to mark Halloween this year:
October 31, Halloween, 2014, was a fun ghost and goblin evening in our Village. It really started Wednesday evening with "Trunk or Treat" at the United Methodist Church.
Friday, the Baptist had an evening event at the Wildfire Horse Arena while the Episcopal Church had a Carnival-like event to include a Maze.
Trucks pulling trailers loaded with adults and children came through the neighborhoods wanting treats and sweets.
Most important, all returned home safe. Maybe a little too many sweets to make mom happy. Here are a few pictures to mark Halloween this year:
"I am a sweet little bumble bee."
"Were did we leave her? She was just right here."
And they kept on coming.
The meeting of the animal kingdom.
Friday, October 31, 2014
The Road Repair Plan and Cost will go before the BOA, 6 Nov
Happy Halloween! May it be safe and sweet.
This afternoon, Alderman Mike McDougal delivered a great Halloween present. Wrapped in a large gold envelope was the recommendation and approximate cost of road repair.
The report will be given to the Aldermen/lady at the next BOA meeting, Thursday, 6 November, 6:30.
Since the Aldermen/lady have not had the opportunity to see it, no costs or recommendations will be included in this blog.
The cost is reasonable and the report will include a motion for approval.
This report has been in the making for three months. Mike and his committee have been working tirelessly to develop a reasonable plan that the village could afford. Roads have been traveled, walked, and discussed.
If the BOA approves the plan, bid requests for Base Bids will be prepared. Additionally, an inter local agreement with Bell County will be prepared. Once this is done, we will be well on our way to repair roads.
Thank you, Mike and your committee, for making this happen. You have now accomplished one of the top 5 issues the BOA took on for this calendar year. If the BOA approves the proposal, work will begin early next year.
To the citizens, thank you for being patient. Solid, well planned work takes time and effort. You now have a plan for the BOA to consider.
Happy Halloween! May it be safe and sweet.
This afternoon, Alderman Mike McDougal delivered a great Halloween present. Wrapped in a large gold envelope was the recommendation and approximate cost of road repair.
The report will be given to the Aldermen/lady at the next BOA meeting, Thursday, 6 November, 6:30.
Since the Aldermen/lady have not had the opportunity to see it, no costs or recommendations will be included in this blog.
The cost is reasonable and the report will include a motion for approval.
This report has been in the making for three months. Mike and his committee have been working tirelessly to develop a reasonable plan that the village could afford. Roads have been traveled, walked, and discussed.
If the BOA approves the plan, bid requests for Base Bids will be prepared. Additionally, an inter local agreement with Bell County will be prepared. Once this is done, we will be well on our way to repair roads.
Thank you, Mike and your committee, for making this happen. You have now accomplished one of the top 5 issues the BOA took on for this calendar year. If the BOA approves the proposal, work will begin early next year.
To the citizens, thank you for being patient. Solid, well planned work takes time and effort. You now have a plan for the BOA to consider.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
The Youth of Salado
Monday evening, before the last Town Hall, I had the honor of being with the Leadership Class of our High School. Approximately 20-30 youth compose this class.
The youth were
. . . . bright and alert
. . . . aware of the issues in Salado, their village, the one they will remember for the rest of their lives
. . . . wise beyond their years
. . . . they are not the leaders of tomorrow; they are the leaders now.
The Adults were
. . . . caring and engaged
. . . . involved and tuned-in
. . . . giving of their very best with little recognition for what they do.
Sometimes, in the midst life and daily activities, we forget what is happening a mile or so down the road. Teachers are teaching, students are learning, and the future of America is being shaped.
The Salado schools are among the best . . . . not because they are urged to by the community but because THEY WANT TO BE.
This is a gift that money cannot buy; awards cannot express; words cannot describe.
You want something to celebrate; something to appreciate; something to "hang your hat on." walk in their shadow, sit in their presence, observe from a window -- and you will see the best of the best doing their job day-in-and-day-out.
They are worthy of our best example in all we do, say, and act.
May we never let them down or show a side of us that will scar their promise and achievement.
Monday evening, before the last Town Hall, I had the honor of being with the Leadership Class of our High School. Approximately 20-30 youth compose this class.
The youth were
. . . . bright and alert
. . . . aware of the issues in Salado, their village, the one they will remember for the rest of their lives
. . . . wise beyond their years
. . . . they are not the leaders of tomorrow; they are the leaders now.
The Adults were
. . . . caring and engaged
. . . . involved and tuned-in
. . . . giving of their very best with little recognition for what they do.
Sometimes, in the midst life and daily activities, we forget what is happening a mile or so down the road. Teachers are teaching, students are learning, and the future of America is being shaped.
The Salado schools are among the best . . . . not because they are urged to by the community but because THEY WANT TO BE.
This is a gift that money cannot buy; awards cannot express; words cannot describe.
You want something to celebrate; something to appreciate; something to "hang your hat on." walk in their shadow, sit in their presence, observe from a window -- and you will see the best of the best doing their job day-in-and-day-out.
They are worthy of our best example in all we do, say, and act.
May we never let them down or show a side of us that will scar their promise and achievement.
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