Sunday, June 1, 2014

The journey, the mystery, and leadership

     We are beginning an incredible journey.  One that is filled with excitement, energy, and hope.  There is no place like Salado.   No people with as much talent, intelligence, and commitment. It is echoed throughout the village and around the nation -- "We love Salado and we love the people."
You are that good.  Believe it!

     This being said, a trust must be built between you and me.  Many of you know me; know of me, or do not know me at all.  You ask, Who is this Mayor called "Skip?"  The campaign is over.  Words are words, but what does he really believe.  How will he lead and govern?

     Well, let's end the mystery, if there is one.  These are the governing rules I will follow:

1.  What is done for one will be done for all.  Anything less will cause confusion, anger, and division.

2.  Remain Focused, Visionary, Flexible, Creative, and Positive.  Stay away from the sound and the fury as it is usually shallow.

3.  Be Honest and transparent.  Anything less will cause disaster.

4.  Trust instincts, experience, intelligence, and common sense -- they are seldom wrong.

5.  Knowing all the answers is not necessary as long as one is surrounded by knowledgeable, positive, trustworthy people with experience, expertise and love for the people.

6.  Be truly humble, serve the people, do not care who gets the credit, and be willing to pay the price for the good of all.

7.  Listen intently and then listen some more.  No one learns by talking all the time.  As much as possible be among the people and listen to their dreams, disappointments, and desires.

8.  Look beyond the agenda and see the motive.

9.  Never let anger or revenge rule a decision.  Read the lid on a jar of mayonnaise often: "Keep cool, but do not freeze."

10.  Remember always to:  seek wisdom; be patient; be kind but firm, do not let imagination rule;  never stop trying, caring, and growing with those you serve.  Salado is not about you; it is about the people -- their past, their present, and their future.

                             212 degrees

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