Saturday, July 19, 2014

Getting things in perspective


The news complete with pictures:  war in Gaza, unrest in Ukraine, innocent people on a plane murdered, bank robbers in California, and the list goes on and on.  People living in tents that use to have homes, no security or protection, food supply fading, unclean water, no place to use the bathroom or take a bath -- the only hope is to live another day and nothing more.

Living in Salado is not so bad.  The issues we face wax pale considering what others are living through.  Our streets need repair but at least they are safe to walk, drive, and bike.  Our police observe our speed, stop signs, ordinances, and writes tickets but at least we have the assurance that law and order prevails.  The sewer system looms, but at least we have bathrooms and kitchens that work.  Expenses and taxes are a concern, but at least we have jobs or a way to pay for them.

Life may not perfect, but at least we have hope for ourselves, our children, and grandchildren.  Our hope is not built around a daily existence of where we will lay our head, eat, drink, take a bath, or work.  It is for the present and for the future.

No, this is not a sermonette -- it is reality.  We have it pretty good compared to our friends and neighbors around the world.

In the next few blogs, issues are going to be discussed straightforwardly and honestly without getting into the weeds.  Please know that this will be the Mayor's opinion not the Aldermen.  They will have the final say and vote as it should be.  And, so will you.  The Aldermen are excellent -- you have chosen well.  In the end, they will keep the path straight and give guidance.

You elected a Mayor to lead; be open, honest, and transparent; and to ensure your welfare and safety.
This is commitment that is not taken lightly.  Hopefully, disappointment will not abound, however,  no one walks on water or is perfect.

It is respectfully requested that you be open minded, consider more than "what is in it for me," and remember that we are all in this together as neighbors and friends.  Some of us will not see the completion of particular issues, but our children, grandchildren, and generations to come will.  We are a village -- we are Salado.

                       With utmost respect,

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