Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sooner or later, everyone is going to need this information


      One of the treasures of our village is the Salado Cemetery, a Historic Texas Cemetery.  This week, Dr. Steven Ervin, President, published their annual newsletter.  It is an excellent source of information and future events to include the Memorial Day Service.  Please take the time to read it.


Annual Newsletter                                                                         April  2015

President’s Message
     In last year’s newsletter I mentioned the importance of being designated as a Historic Texas Cemetery.  With that responsibility comes the challenge of caring for our historic treasure. 
Funding is a key component in operating, maintaining and improving the cemetery.  It comes from gifts and the sale of gravesites.  The Cemetery Association is a nonprofit organization recognized by the State of Texas to fund the operating costs and establish a trust fund for the perpetual care of the cemetery.   Your support is greatly appreciated to fulfil this responsibility. 
     Another responsibility we have is enforcing Texas cemetery laws.  This responsibility belongs to local law enforcement with the help of its citizens.   When driving by the cemetery after dark or walking its paths, if you are aware of vandalism or desecration, contact the local police department.  They do patrol the cemetery after dark.  State laws exist to protect cemeteries from vandalism, theft and desecration.  Please join me and the Cemetery Association in our continued stewardship of the Salado Cemetery.
                                                                        Steven Ervin, President

Salado Cemetery Maintenance
     Our cemetery currently provides for general maintenance, such as mowing and trimming the grass and repair of the road ways as needed.  Normally, the spring season is when the  mowing begins each year with emphasis on protecting the wildflowers growing through-out the cemetery.  With the lack of rain during the summer, fall and winter months, it is difficult to set a regular mowing time.  The mowing is done on an as-needed basis.
     We all want the cemetery to look its best year-round, since it is a source of pride to our community and is a Texas Historic Cemetery.   However, we do not receive specific funds for the necessary maintenance.  The only source of revenue is from the sale of grave sites and donations.
     If you would like to have specialized care for your family grave site, such as weed control or additional mowing and trimming, you may contact one of the following:  Ace Pest and Lawn Control, (254) 947-4222 or Bartlett Lawn Service, (254) 527-4208.  Please understand that any extra maintenance that you request will be at your expense.

Plastic Pipes Beside Veterans’ Headstones
Have you noticed the plastic pipes in the ground by headstones of veterans?  The pipes are used for holding flags for Memorial Day.  They sometimes get pulled out and are cracked by mowers.  The Cemetery Association replaces the missing or broken pipes each year when placing flags on the graves.  This year, flags will be placed by headstones on Friday, May 22 in preparation for the Memorial Day Service.  The weekend before Memorial Day is a good time for families to spruce up the graves sites.

Memorial Day Service, Monday, May 25th
     The Salado Cemetery Association will host the annual Memorial Day Service at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, May 25th  at the Historic Salado Cemetery on Baines St.   Everyone is invited to honor our veterans on this special day and pay tribute to their service to our country.
     The purpose of the Memorial Day ceremony is to remember the veterans buried not just in Salado Cemetery but in all of the Salado-area cemeteries, including family and church cemeteries, by a roll call of their names.  All 432 veterans buried in the cemetery will have flags placed on their graves.  The veterans are from the Texas Revolutionary War, Early Day Rangers, Home Guard, Indian Wars, Mexican War, Confederate and Union Armies, WWI and II, Korean War, Vietnam War, and from peace time service.
     The Memorial Day ceremony will consist of:  the Bell County Sherriff’s Posse presenting the colors;  honors to each of the armed services;  a Commemorative Air Force fly-over; and a brass ensemble lead by Clayton Capps playing music for the program.  Keifer Marshall, as WW II veteran, is scheduled to give Memorial Day remarks.  LTC (Ret) Stephen Peters, Cemetery Board Treasurer, will read the roll call of veterans’ names this year.  Taps will be played at the conclusion of the ceremony.
     Light refreshments will be served following the closing of the Memorial Day ceremony.  Seating will be provided by the Village of Salado, but the number of seats is limited, guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, also umbrellas, as tradition has it, the event is held outside in spite of sun or rain.  We hope to see you at the Memorial Day ceremony.

Plot/Space Exchange:  Over the years, families goals and ideas change; people move and burial plans change, and they find themselves with space in a cemetery they no longer plan to use.  Many spaces at our cemetery are vacant and we do not expect them to be used.  We would like all the spaces to be filled, thus making better utilization of the cemetery plots.  If you or your parents/grandparents or others purchased space in the cemetery that you no longer plan to use, we suggest you donate it back to the Cemetery Association.  Any donation of property should be tax deductible and negates your need to try and find a buyer of the plot.  You must have the original certificate for the space or be authorized to made such a transaction.  Contact the cemetery staff to make a donation of spaces that will not be utilized by you or your family.

New Friends of the Salado Cemetery Association
The Friends of the Association are new lot owners since our last Newsletter in April 2014.  They are:  Robert & Callie Bailey, Marisa Conley, Jackie Wayne & Patricia Ann Crouch, Connie Cryar, Judy Dobbins, Linda L. McCaa, Richard & Tommye Prater, John W. (Bill) & Bonnie Smith, and Tamla Joy Wilson.

Interments Since April 1, 2014
Oscar Joseph Arnold, Priscilla Anne Beadle, James Phipps Bonner, Jr., Cora Lee  Bronson, Opal Winnie Brooks, Tom Earl Brown, Rhebel M Bush, Richard Ray Bussell, Deborah C Cowger, Grover Cleveland Dement, Doris Ann Denman, Gary Wayne Dobbins, Virginia Pearl Finney, Melvin Wilhelm Friedrich, Joy  Hancock, Winston Travis Hays, Milton Melvin Kattner, William Paul Matejowsky, Nathaniel Lee McCaa, Stanley Ray Mersiovsky, Myrtle Ida Messer, Harry Frank Morgan, Lloyd Lee Parks, Richard C Prater, Noel Brian Scully, Sandra  Scully, Arline M Singer, Roger Dale Smith, Mary E Stewart, William Allen Upton, Royce Lynn Vernon, Opal Jerene Walker, Buna Marie Watkins, Alice Ruth Wear, Donald Louis Wilson,

Veterans Interred Since April 1, 2014
Richard Ray Bussell, US Army, Desert Storm; Grover Cleveland Dement, US Army Air Corps, WW II; Milton Melvin Kattner, US Army, WW II; William Paul Matejowsky, US Air Force, Korea; Harry Frank Morgan, Texas Army National Guard, Peace Time Service; Lloyd Lee Parks, US Army, Peace Time Service; Richard C Prater, US Navy, WW II; Roger Dale Smith, US Navy, Peace Time Service; Donald Louis Wilson, US Army, Peace Time Service.

Memorial Gifts and Donations Since May 1, 2013:
Name                                                                        Fund                        In Memory:                                           
Mr. & Mrs. Joe M. Cawthon                                    Development
Mr. Drew Bridges                                                Endowment
Dr. & Mrs. W. D.  Broadway                                    Endowment
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton P. Carter                                    Endowment
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Cosper                                    Endowment
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Johnson                                    Endowment
Dr. & Mrs. Nelson W. Jones                                    Endowment
Mr. Don L. Wilson                                                Endowment
Mr. Oscar J. Arnold Jr.                                    Operating
Mr. & Mrs. M.E. Bean Jr.                                    Operating
Mr. David Bennett                                                Operating
Mr. Tom Berry                                                Operating
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Blaylock                                    Operating
Mr. & Mrs. James W.  Brock                                    Operating
Ms. Colleen Brooks                                                Operating
Denham Family Reunion                                    Operating
Mr. Robert Denman                                                Operating
Mr. & Mrs. J. Derald Dugger                                    Operating
Fran & Perry Fairchild                                    Operating
Mrs. Jere C Farino                                                Operating
Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzhenry                                    Operating
Mrs. Pat Freeman                                                Operating
Mr. Robert R. Gamble                                    Operating
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Gamble                                    Operating
Mr. John R. Gidley                                                Operating
Mrs. Jerry Goodman                                                Operating
Mr. B.D. Graves                                                Operating
Mr. Joe Grigsby                                                Operating
Ms. Cheryl Grimm                                                Operating
Mr. & Mrs. George Gromacki                        Operating
Ms. Sandra Grossman                                                Operating
Mrs. Lena Haddock                                                Operating
Memorial Gifts and Donations Since May 1, 2013 (continued):
Name                                                                        Fund                        In Memory:  
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Harrison                        Operating
Mr. & Mrs. Billy J. Heath                                    Operating
Ms. Marlene Heth                                                Operating
Dr. & Mrs. Morris R. Hill                                    Operating
Mrs. Mary Hodge                                                Operating
Ms. Anna Holt                                                            Operating
Ms. Kaye Howe                                                Operating
Ms. Sherry Jackson                                                Operating
Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. Johnson                                    Operating
Mr. Robert Allen Jones                                    Operating
Mr. Tommy Krueger                                                Operating
Dr. & Mrs. Armando Lenis                                    Operating
Mr. Jerry Love                                                Operating
Mr. Joseph William Love III                                    Operating
Mrs. Cathy Luther                                                Operating
Mrs. Donna McClain                                                Operating
Mrs. Elisabeth Mosley                                    Operating
Dr. & Mrs. T. Craig Nauert                                    Operating
Ms. Violet Palmer                                                Operating
Ms. Joyce Parker                                                Operating
Mr. Samuel Patterson                                                Operating
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Rampy                        Operating
Mr. Billy J. Reynolds                                                Operating
Ms. Nancy Light Rogers                                    Operating
Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Rucker                                    Operating
Ms. Suzie Russell                                                Operating
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Sands                                    Operating
Mr. Norbert W. Schwertner                                    Operating
Mr. Richard E. Smith                                                Operating
Ms. Ann Brown Smith                                    Operating
Ms. Carolyn Stewart                                                Operating
Mrs. Beverly Strack                                                Operating
Col (Ret) & Mrs. Jean Tarbutton                        Operating
Col. Herbie R. Taylor                                                Operating
Ms. Cheryl Taylor                                                Operating
Ms. Jean Teal                                                            Operating
Lt. Col & Mrs. Tommie Thompson                        Operating
Ms. Cindy Sparks Wiewel                                    Operating
Mrs Virginia Williams                                    Operating
Mrs. Jane Wilmer                                                Operating
Ms. Dorothy Yount                                                Operating

Detach and Return With Donation.
Donations may be made at any time by using the form below.

Name of Donor_______________________________________________
Address of Donor_____________________________________________

Name of Person Honored: _____________________________________
Amount of Donation:   ________.
Please designate the fund your donation is for:
_____Operations          _____Endowment             _____Development

Check should be made out to:  Salado Cemetery Association,

Mailing address:  Salado Cemetery Association,
                             P.O. Box  21
                             Salado, Texas  76571



Friends of the Cemetery Association

President – Dr. Steven C. Ervin  (947-8230)          
Vice-President – MaryBelle Brown                        
Secretary – Kate Wheeler                                         
Treasurer – Stephen Peters                                      
Trustees:  Terry Bergstrom, Apple Johnson, Bill Kinnison, Elaine Ory, Bill Pinkston, Joe Pirtle

Committee Chairmen:
Lot Sales - Bill Pinkston   (947-3372)         
Maintenance - Terry Bergstrom                           
Flags – George Bryant                               
Hospitality - Jean Westerberg                   
Historical Research and Preservation - Bill Kinnison
Memorial Day Service - Bill Kinnison

Security - Chief Jack Hensley, Village of Salado.

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