Sunday, December 7, 2014

News you should know


News you should know:

1.  The material has been purchased to begin crack sealing the roads.  Our city maintenance supervisor and two part-time helpers will begin crack sealing in January as long as the temperature is above 40 degrees.  This is the first step in road repair.  This a significant savings in labor.

2.  The Administration office of the City has been going through re-organization.  Lindsey, Randy, and a few volunteers have been working non-stop in filing, organizing, and setting up records that can be retrieved in a matter of minutes.  For instance, 108 Ordinances have been entered into the computer individually.  By giving a date or a name, one stroke of the key will display the desired ordinance/resolution. There are still more Ordinances to be put in, but this is a major accomplishment.  This is a huge step providing an efficient, professional business office.  When technology is used correctly, it will save a ton of money and time.

3.  Space is a major problem.  There is not enough space in the Municipal building for our staff.  In the next workshop, the Aldermen/Lady will be discussing the brick house just south of the Municipal Building.  It is not in great shape, but with some cosmetic repair inside and out, may be useable for the city's Police Department.  Chief Hensley has looked at it and is working with our City Manager on the possibilities.  It is larger than their present space and will allow for some privacy.  The City owns the house so there will be no rent or mortgage payments.  Some of the repairs can be done by our maintenance supervisor and a few builder volunteers.  Volunteers will be asked to help with painting.  The Municipal Building space vacated by the Police Department, will make offices for our City Staff.  These buildings will probably be adequate for a few years.

4.  Our City Manager and volunteers have been working into the night to meet the deadline for the 1.5 million dollar grant for the Sewer Project.  More information was needed and the deadline was set for the 12 December to submit it.  The deadline will be met and we will wait anxiously for the approval.  EDA, Austin, has gone the second, third, and fourth mile in helping us.  So has Senator Cornyn and Congressman Carter's office.  In the near future, names and addresses will be given so  Salado citizens can write thank you notes.

5.  No official meeting has been held between Sanctuary or any other Developer and the Village elected city officials.  At this point, there are no negotiations underway.  Sanctuary has met with various Salado citizens groups/individuals.   The City Officials will be meeting with our City Lawyer in a closed door workshop after the BOA, 11 December, to begin discussing the village's position.  

6.  The resignation of Larry Barrier, Code Enforcer, was a disappointment.  He has worked hard enforcing codes -- not an easy job.  Larry will be missed.  We wish him the very best.  The Aldermen/Lady will be discussing the resignation in the 11 December workshop.

Please shop in the village first.  The sales tax will help with roads and other maintenance.  And you will get a great gift.



  1. Thank You Skip for posting this blog and including everyone in on important information! You are doing an excellent job!

  2. You are welcome. However, it is you and the excellent citizens of Salado that are doing a great job. I am just trying to stay up with you!
