Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wednesday 14 January -- New news


(1)  A full crew is working on the Holland Bridge.  It appears they will meet the 31 January deadline.  The good news is they are working and the clock is ticking.

(2)  Texas Park and Wildlife will meet Alderman Amber Preston-Dankart and tour Salado.  There are complaints about the number of Buzzards seen around Salado creek.  Amber has not been able to find a reason for the Buzzards. The tour will also include the low water bridge by the old club house and the park.  Information will be given on how, what, when, and where that section can be cleaned so the water will flow freely and cleanly.

(3)  Temple College is being asked to consider college classes in Salado.  They offer two classes at the High School averaging about 20 students.  Some of the classes will be core (English comp, history, humanities, etc.) and some will be elective classes (writing, basic accounting, art appreciation, etc).  If you have a class that is of interest, use the comment section of this BLOG.  Usually, it takes about 10-15 students to make a class.  The location of the classes is to be determined but the Civic Center and the High School are possibilities.

(4)  Mr. Robert Sulaski, Sanctuary arrives Monday for the first negotiation meetings with the Village. A date to reach all agreements is 31 March.  That is a "stretch" but we will work toward meeting the suggested date.

(5)  Salado on the Rocks and Wildflower Art Festival are coming.  Start getting excited.  With the weather, business has probably been very slow.  SHOP SALADO, PLEASE.  It will help our shop owners and our sales taxes.

You are doing great folks.  Sometimes it seems the Village Government go at a very slow pace, but that is Government and law.  We will go as fast we can without making waste or mistakes hopefully.


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