Sunday, September 13, 2015

21 September, the Town Hall on Issues


     The Town Hall on Issues is MONDAY 21 SEPTEMBER not 22 September.  It is 6:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building.

    The purpose of the Town Hall is to discuss issues such as Sanctuary, Construction, Roads, Annexation, Stagecoach, and business as well as other issues you deem important.

    It is your time to visit with the Mayor and ask any question you desire.  You will get the straightest answers possible.  No tap dancing; no hidden agenda.  Many of the answers you will know; others may be new information.

    Not only will you have this opportunity, but you will get an opportunity every quarter.  Communication is critical and no matter how one feels about Donald Trump, he has hit a nerve.  America is hungry for straight talk.

    In late November, there will be a Town Hall for the first quarter of the fiscal year.

    Of course the Aldermen/lady are invited; therefore the Town Hall will be posted.

    If not before, see you next MONDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER.





  1. Many of our Village members know it's not going be an easy task babysitting the project. It's going to be really hard; we're going have to show allot patience that we do know. Every one of us knows that each and every one of you has a difficult road ahead of you. From my family to each and every one of you, thank you very much. We appreciate everyone single one of you and all the hard work being put forth. God Bless. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. The projects monthly estimate circulating around the community appears to prove what is being rumored by the contractor’s workers; they’ll be employed on the job through the middle of 2017. Please confirm and advise so we can plan accordingly. We want the truth nothing but the truth. I feel we are being mislead and can’t plan anything accordingly because it is a moving target without justification or merit.

    What is the plan moving forward?

    Why is TxDOT allowing this to continue?

    What is being conveyed doesn’t appear to match the remaining work. Please ask TxDOT for a timeline moving forward. They should have the contractor’s critical path method schedule indentifying their plan and when they will be done. Contained in that schedule they should also show the delays and causation so we know who, what, when, where, and why the work isn’t progressing.

    The community is a pig sty again. Please demand our community be cleaned up and kept that way. This request should also include keeping our roads clean, keeping the cones and signs organized, keeping the exposed soils wet stopping the dust. The dust is ruining fixtures and our electronics. The car washing bills are out of control again.

    We want our streets and town back.
