Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Baby Boomers, the Z Generation, and Salado today -- Read, Please


     Who lives in Salado today and who is moving daily to Salado.

     To understand Salado today and tomorrow, let me introduce you to two generations:

The Baby Boomers and older are valued citizens who bring experience, intellect, and wisdom to our Village.

However, it is the Z-Generation that is moving to our village and bringing with them a new experience, intellect, and wisdom.

You know the Baby Boomers and older.

Please meet the Z-Generation and their characteristics as described by Mrs. Crystal Deleon and Mr. James Cox, Army Marketing and Research Group:

Entering the world in the mid-1900's or later, they were born with their eyes open from the beginning, coming along in the aftermath of those cataclysms in the era of the war on terror and the Great Recession.  As a result they are:
Digital natives that can view and work on five computer screens simultaneously 
Multicultural -- 25% fly to meet with their friends around the world

Want to Work for success
Focused on the Future and driven
Entrepreneurial -- 72% want their own business someday

Mature -- Drug use, alcohol consumption, smoking, teen pregnancy at lowest levels in decades
Gender Neutral

Hyper Connected -- They are connected 10+ hours a day.
Multi-Tasters that can take in information instantaneously with an attention span of 8 seconds

Online is a tool for getting things done rather a place to be discovered.

50% spend their free time building new skills
85% use YouTube and other Social Media
25% left Facebook in 2014.  They prefer Snapchat, Instagram, and Whisper.
They watch 2 times as many videos on cell phones than TV.  
YouTube, Vine, Periscope and Meerkat are platforms of choice.

They receive over 3000 text messages per month.

Z Gen are influenced by influencers, not celebrities.
They prefer "real" people in advertisements and doing business.

They want to make a difference and believe they can.  They are researchers not surfers; activists not slacktivists.
Their main concerns:  economy, social causes, and environment.

More than 1/4 of America's population belongs to Gen Z; by 2020 it will increase to 1/3
They contribute $44 billion to the US economy; by 2018 will increase to 200 Billion

77% will work harder than previous generations; Beginning salary after college:  $46,799
50% want to retire before 60; 54% expect to work until age 61-70
74% prefer to communicate Face-To-Face with Colleagues

Gen Z is the first generation to be raised in the era of smartphones.  Most do not remember a time before social media
81% of children have a digital footprint by the time they are 2.
25% of toddlers have used a smartphone.

College Professors have learned they had better be accurate in their lectures; because Students are checking facts on the Internet as the the Professors teach.

Welcome the Z Generation. 

You see them every morning a 5:30 running, walking, and exercising
Every afternoon walking with their babies and children.

They are buying the houses and building new houses.

This is Salado today -- Baby Boomers and the Z Generation.

It is election time.  Vote for those who can relate to both.  The Z-Gen want real people --creative, smart, technically tuned.  

They want someone who can understand them; relate to them; and journey with them.

Who would those candidates be?


You spell my name SKIP Blancett and you color in the bubble.

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