During the TXDoT/James Construction meeting Tuesday, the following news was distributed:
1. The 50 MPH Speed limit signs are posted at the dangerous part of the Salado construction. TXDoT is requesting that a State Trooper be at future meetings and one frequently be present at the entrance and/or exit of that section.
2. The west side of the frontage road bridge over Salado Creek will be completed in February. Once that is done the west side frontage road from Thomas Arnold south will be open to traffic.
3. The new Salado Plaza Bridge will be completed by 15 March. Permanent I-35 Traffic will be going north and south by April. Once this is done, the north bound frontage road will be completed.
4. The Thomas Arnold Bridge will be completed by end of this year. However, the railing will have to be installed before the new part of the bridge will be opened.
5. Workers for the last two weeks in December will work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday they will have the opportunity to return to their home in Mexico. This is only for the weeks before Christmas and New Years. They will begin working a full schedule the first week in January. Last Christmas, 14 Dec, workers were off the entire week of December. This is a significant change from last year. There is also talk of bringing in an additional crew after the new year.
6. TXDoT is trying to not to have any lane closures from 23 Dec through 3 January. They want Holiday traffic to flow as smoothly as possible. With the new speed limits, hopefully, there will be no accidents.
7. Thomas Arnold bridge was hit by a truck carrying transformers. Fortunately, no damage was done the bridge. The truck did not have the proper permit and was stacked too high. Two transformers were displaced. Damage occurred to the transformers. AGAIN, DAMAGE WAS NOT DONE TO THOMAS ARNOLD BRIDGE.
8. Lighted box signs will be placed at the North and South side of Salado Village announcing that food, gas, and lodging are available at the next exits. This will encourage travelers to stop in Salado for their needs.
9. The major construction will end by May. Sixty day later complete clean-up will be completed and the total construction will be over. As anyone can see, much progress is being made. However, the project will be watched carefully and pressure will be applied when necessary.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Sanctuary Town Hall Monday evening
Monday, 14 December, Sanctuary Town Hall, Municipal Building, 6:30 P.M. is a Town Hall on Sanctuary. In this Town Hall, Alderman Frank Coachman will give a Power Point overview of the Agreement with Sanctuary. To answer legal questions, our city attorney will be in attendance. To answer Engineering questions our Engineer will be present. Our special guest of the evening is Dr. Billie Hanks who will share his vision and thoughts about Sanctuary.
This Town Hall will give you the opportunity to understand the agreement, listen to plans, and ask questions. In everyone's private life, there are Christmas schedules, shopping, and events to attend, however, this is one of the most important Town Halls we will have. It is worth your time.
This Town Hall will give you the opportunity to understand the agreement, listen to plans, and ask questions. In everyone's private life, there are Christmas schedules, shopping, and events to attend, however, this is one of the most important Town Halls we will have. It is worth your time.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Your Village in 3 minutes Tuesday, 8 Dec
A tremendous first-week stroll. "Thank you" to everyone who worked to make it so successful. According to those who worked last year's stroll, this one was bigger and better.
The Parade was the largest yet -- over 60 floats. It was great to see the support of so many. "Thank you" for the participation.
Stagecoach. Kim met with Clark Lyda, new owner, and received an update on the Stagecoach Inn project. Potential investors have been touring the property with positive results. Clark is planning on "beginning renovations of the restaurant and related meeting space in February and completing that portion of the project in June."
I-35. Monday evening, Rick Lewis took gave a tour of the Construction site. There was no place that was not visited. Here are a few reflections beginning with the west side of the 2484 Bridge.
1. The work on 2484 Bridge will be completed mid-January. The beams on the west side are in place and the deck plates are being placed this week.
2. Asphalt beginning at 2484 and going south toward Austin is going to be the new frontage road. The one that is driven on now will eventually be torn out.
3. The grading for the permanent I-35 going south is well underway. Still more to do but it is progressing faster than it appears.
4. Notice all the walls around the bridges -- close to completion.
5. The wreck that occurred under Thomas Arnold bridge did not damage the bridge. The driver fell asleep and hit the center barrier which will is being replaced. It did not any part of the bridge. To slow people down, 60 MPH speed limit signs are being placed on the north and south Village limits.
6. The exit off I-35 South by the CEFCO where the pillars are poured is very high. On top, the panaromic view of Salado is spectacular. When it is completed and drivable, you will experience a bird's-eye view of Salado.
7. The exit from the permanent I-35 to the Holland Bridge is complete but not open.
8. Immediately past the Holland Bridge, I-35 going south is COMPLETE with the exception of sweeping and stripping. Rick drove down the new Highway toward Jarrell -- very nice.
Read carefully -- the Salado portion of I-35 going North and South from the Holland Bridge to the 2484 bridge is being graded for completion. In some of that area, the metal rods are being laid for the pouring of concrete. Drainage boxes are being connected. It is 3 months from total completion.
9. The Salado Plaza Bridge and the Salado Creek frontage road bridge on the south side of Thomas Arnold are the last Major construction phases underway. Both are expected to be completed by 15 March. Yes . . . Yes . . . Yes "we've heard this before." However, what is seen in the footprint of the construction is much different from what can be seen from the road.
10. James Construction is paying a $8800 fine each day for being late in completing the project. The fine is divided into 2 categories: Liquidation Damages -- $2800 dollars and Road Usage -- $6000. A letter is being drafted to the Governor asking that the accumulating $2800 fine be given to Salado for damages. It will be presented to the BOA for approval.
11. Rick gave an informative tour with much insight. The project is moving forward. There is talk of using double shifts to complete the project. This will depend on available manpower. Thus far, the wet weather has not altered the completion schedule.
Sanctuary Town Hall, Monday 14 February, 6:30 P.M., Municipal Building. Dr. Bill Hanks will be our guest along with our Village Attorney and Engineer. Alderman Coachman will explain the agreement, Dr. Hanks will share his vision with you as well as give you information on what is currently happening, and our Attorney and Engineer will answer your questions. This Town Hall is for information and answering questions.
A great week. Thank you for all you are doing.
A tremendous first-week stroll. "Thank you" to everyone who worked to make it so successful. According to those who worked last year's stroll, this one was bigger and better.
The Parade was the largest yet -- over 60 floats. It was great to see the support of so many. "Thank you" for the participation.
Stagecoach. Kim met with Clark Lyda, new owner, and received an update on the Stagecoach Inn project. Potential investors have been touring the property with positive results. Clark is planning on "beginning renovations of the restaurant and related meeting space in February and completing that portion of the project in June."
I-35. Monday evening, Rick Lewis took gave a tour of the Construction site. There was no place that was not visited. Here are a few reflections beginning with the west side of the 2484 Bridge.
1. The work on 2484 Bridge will be completed mid-January. The beams on the west side are in place and the deck plates are being placed this week.
2. Asphalt beginning at 2484 and going south toward Austin is going to be the new frontage road. The one that is driven on now will eventually be torn out.
3. The grading for the permanent I-35 going south is well underway. Still more to do but it is progressing faster than it appears.
4. Notice all the walls around the bridges -- close to completion.
5. The wreck that occurred under Thomas Arnold bridge did not damage the bridge. The driver fell asleep and hit the center barrier which will is being replaced. It did not any part of the bridge. To slow people down, 60 MPH speed limit signs are being placed on the north and south Village limits.
6. The exit off I-35 South by the CEFCO where the pillars are poured is very high. On top, the panaromic view of Salado is spectacular. When it is completed and drivable, you will experience a bird's-eye view of Salado.
7. The exit from the permanent I-35 to the Holland Bridge is complete but not open.
8. Immediately past the Holland Bridge, I-35 going south is COMPLETE with the exception of sweeping and stripping. Rick drove down the new Highway toward Jarrell -- very nice.
Read carefully -- the Salado portion of I-35 going North and South from the Holland Bridge to the 2484 bridge is being graded for completion. In some of that area, the metal rods are being laid for the pouring of concrete. Drainage boxes are being connected. It is 3 months from total completion.
9. The Salado Plaza Bridge and the Salado Creek frontage road bridge on the south side of Thomas Arnold are the last Major construction phases underway. Both are expected to be completed by 15 March. Yes . . . Yes . . . Yes "we've heard this before." However, what is seen in the footprint of the construction is much different from what can be seen from the road.
10. James Construction is paying a $8800 fine each day for being late in completing the project. The fine is divided into 2 categories: Liquidation Damages -- $2800 dollars and Road Usage -- $6000. A letter is being drafted to the Governor asking that the accumulating $2800 fine be given to Salado for damages. It will be presented to the BOA for approval.
11. Rick gave an informative tour with much insight. The project is moving forward. There is talk of using double shifts to complete the project. This will depend on available manpower. Thus far, the wet weather has not altered the completion schedule.
Sanctuary Town Hall, Monday 14 February, 6:30 P.M., Municipal Building. Dr. Bill Hanks will be our guest along with our Village Attorney and Engineer. Alderman Coachman will explain the agreement, Dr. Hanks will share his vision with you as well as give you information on what is currently happening, and our Attorney and Engineer will answer your questions. This Town Hall is for information and answering questions.
A great week. Thank you for all you are doing.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Your Village in 3 Minutes, 29 Nov 15
This is what has been happening over Thanksgiving.
1. Town Hall meeting 14 December, 6:30 P.M. Municipal Building.
Present to the Village the terms of the contract with Sanctuary. Our special guest will be Dr. Billy Hanks, who will share with you his plans for Sanctuary. Our City Administrator, Lawyer, and Engineer will be present to answer questions and give legal detail.
2. This is the official weekend for the beginning of Christmas in the Village and what a weekend has been planned.
Thursday, 3 April, 5 P.M., the Christmas Parade down Main Street. Please make plans to watch and participate.
Thursday, 3 April, 7 P. M. the Robertson Plantation Gala. Tickets are on sale now. Please call 947-5232 for more information. All proceeds go to the Salado Historical Society. A win-win performance for everyone -- see the beautiful Robertson Plantation, help the Salado Historical Society, and get a tax write-off.

This is what has been happening over Thanksgiving.
1. Town Hall meeting 14 December, 6:30 P.M. Municipal Building.
Present to the Village the terms of the contract with Sanctuary. Our special guest will be Dr. Billy Hanks, who will share with you his plans for Sanctuary. Our City Administrator, Lawyer, and Engineer will be present to answer questions and give legal detail.
2. This is the official weekend for the beginning of Christmas in the Village and what a weekend has been planned.
Thursday, 3 April, 5 P.M., the Christmas Parade down Main Street. Please make plans to watch and participate.
Thursday, 3 April, 7 P. M. the Robertson Plantation Gala. Tickets are on sale now. Please call 947-5232 for more information. All proceeds go to the Salado Historical Society. A win-win performance for everyone -- see the beautiful Robertson Plantation, help the Salado Historical Society, and get a tax write-off.
Friday, 4 December, the Christmas Stroll begins. The town is looking festive and beautiful. It will continue to be so. Bring your family and friends. Enjoy the sights, sounds, and shopping. It is a memory-maker!
3. Friday, 4 December, the 23rd performance of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. What a joy it is to work with Jackie Mills, Kelly Parker, and Shannon Ashe. Concession Stand opens at 6:30 P.M. Performance begins at 7 P.M.
4. Saturday, 5 December, All Day, the Stroll continues.
5. Monday is the last day to sign the letter to Federal, State, and County Officials concerning construction. If you want a voice, here is your chance. Letter is in the Information Center.
4. Saturday, 5 December, All Day, the Stroll continues.
5. Monday is the last day to sign the letter to Federal, State, and County Officials concerning construction. If you want a voice, here is your chance. Letter is in the Information Center.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Three notes on Construction
1. A note from TxDoT
"Just keeping you in the loop. The 2484 Milestone #2 was completed today on schedule.'
1. A note from TxDoT
"I just wanted to let you know that the remaining portion of the old Main St overpass that JCG has been working on will be demolished tomorrow morning (Saturday 11/20), beginning at about 8 AM. It will not require any lane closures or traffic control, as it will happen completely within the work zone behind the barrier.
I know it’s short notice, but the engineering plan just got done and was approved today, and they had the opportunity to get it done quickly, so they can forge ahead with the work in that area, rather than having to wait until after the holiday. They expect it to take only about an hour or less to complete, but in case anyone saw the process and was concerned, I wanted you to know about it so you can respond to any questions you may get.
If you have any questions or need more information, please let me know -
Jodi Wheatley
I-35 Information Officer
TxDOT/Waco District
2. "Next week, you can expect a complete closure on both sides of I-35 between Belton and Salado on two nights. Check your daily closure reports for details.
Sunday, Nov. 22, the closures will start at 10 PM and end at 7 AM the next morning.Monday, Nov. 23, the closures will start at 7 PM and end by 7 AM Tuesday morning.And then – NO mainlane closures allowed (unless it’s an emergency!) until Sunday night midnight after Thanksgiving! Have a great weekend and drive safely!Jodi WheatleyI-35 Information OfficerTxDOT/Waco District"
3. A note from James Construction:
"Just keeping you in the loop. The 2484 Milestone #2 was completed today on schedule.'
Mike Killgore
Michael D. Killgore, P.E.
James Construction Group
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Your signature is powerful; now is the time
The letter is ready for your signature. Worked on by various citizens, presented at the last Town Hall on Construction, and available at the Information Center; it will be sent to Federal, State, and County Officials, 1 December.
The purpose is to solicit help in ending Construction that has crippled and harmed Salado. For three years, Salado has endured 3.1 miles of I-35 Construction. In the last 6 months, there has been improvement by TxDoT and James Construction, however, it is not enough. We are now in the Christmas season, the major source of income for our businesses. This income will help then through the winter months until Spring. Surviving another 6 months is going to be difficult for those who have held on and kept going often without receiving a personal pay check. It is more than "the cost of business;" it is personal self-sacrifice for the good of the Village.
Your help is needed. Please stop by the Information Center and sign the letter. Nothing carries the weight of your signature. It will only take a few minutes but it will make a difference.
Another special request, this Christmas do your Christmas shopping in Salado. It will help ease the financial loss to our businesses. There are times when we can depend on no one else but ourselves. Such a time as this is now.
Thank you for your support in both of these endeavors.
The letter is ready for your signature. Worked on by various citizens, presented at the last Town Hall on Construction, and available at the Information Center; it will be sent to Federal, State, and County Officials, 1 December.
The purpose is to solicit help in ending Construction that has crippled and harmed Salado. For three years, Salado has endured 3.1 miles of I-35 Construction. In the last 6 months, there has been improvement by TxDoT and James Construction, however, it is not enough. We are now in the Christmas season, the major source of income for our businesses. This income will help then through the winter months until Spring. Surviving another 6 months is going to be difficult for those who have held on and kept going often without receiving a personal pay check. It is more than "the cost of business;" it is personal self-sacrifice for the good of the Village.
Your help is needed. Please stop by the Information Center and sign the letter. Nothing carries the weight of your signature. It will only take a few minutes but it will make a difference.
Another special request, this Christmas do your Christmas shopping in Salado. It will help ease the financial loss to our businesses. There are times when we can depend on no one else but ourselves. Such a time as this is now.
Thank you for your support in both of these endeavors.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Your Village in 3 minutes, 17 November 15
1. Many thanks to You for your work Saturday with Fall Clean-up sponsored by Keep Salado Beautiful.
The town looks nice and the lighted Christmas trees are spectacular. Especially thanks to the Salado High School students who worked on the Municipal Building's flower beds and yards.
As one drives around the neighborhoods, the yard art and the fall decorations make our community look special. With Christmas coming, it will be even more beautiful and festive.
"Thank you" to each and everyone.
2. The low water bridges.
The re-building of the low water bridge on east Amity is scheduled to begin in December. Anyone who travels that bridge knows how dangerous it can be especially for those who do not see well. One slip of a turn and the cold water of the creek greets the driver and passengers.
Like many who work in our west and north communities, please start planning an alternate route.
The low water bridge by Sherrill Park will need attention soon. The gravel from up/down stream is less than a foot below the surface of the bridge. Another six months in a rainy season and the gravel will be even or over it.
A permit has been granted to clean about 25 yards from the bridge. An estimate of $18,000 has been given to do the entire job. The estimate is reasonable because of the equipment and care that has to be given. For instance, nothing can be placed on the ground around the creek. Every tractor scoop has to be placed immediately in a waiting dump truck and carried to another location. It is labor intensive and time consuming. Lone Star Construction has both the equipment and experience
To cover the expense, a golf tournament is being planned for spring. However, the work may have to be completed sooner due to the gravel, weeds, and flood debris. Susan Terry, Keep Salado Beautiful, has agreed to accept donations to have the work done as soon as possible. So that your donation is tax deductible, please make it payable to Salado Community Foundation which is a 501-C-3 Foundation. You will receive a receipt for your donation. Your donation may be mailed to Keep Salado Beautiful, P.O. Box 895, Salado, Texas 76571 or given to Susan Terry.
Your gift will be a win - win for everyone -- for you, an end-of-the-year tax write-off; for the community, a great gift for keeping the creek healthy and clean. It is promised that every penny given will be used to clean the creek and keep it cleaned.
Thank you for your consideration and generosity.
3. James Construction and TXDoT have placed special lighted signs assisting people through the construction and downtown. James Construction is also paying for an I-35 Billboard announcing Salado's Christmas activities. Our Chamber Executive Director, Mary Posche is designing the Billboard. Look for it soon.
4. The Scottish Games brought many, many people to Salado. From all reports, it went well and our businesses had customers.
1. Many thanks to You for your work Saturday with Fall Clean-up sponsored by Keep Salado Beautiful.
The town looks nice and the lighted Christmas trees are spectacular. Especially thanks to the Salado High School students who worked on the Municipal Building's flower beds and yards.
As one drives around the neighborhoods, the yard art and the fall decorations make our community look special. With Christmas coming, it will be even more beautiful and festive.
"Thank you" to each and everyone.
Michael McDougal and Frank Coachman putting up Christmas Trees Saturday.
Wonder if they are for hire? Thanks Aldermen for helping Keep Salado Beautiful.
2. The low water bridges.
The re-building of the low water bridge on east Amity is scheduled to begin in December. Anyone who travels that bridge knows how dangerous it can be especially for those who do not see well. One slip of a turn and the cold water of the creek greets the driver and passengers.
Like many who work in our west and north communities, please start planning an alternate route.
The low water bridge by Sherrill Park will need attention soon. The gravel from up/down stream is less than a foot below the surface of the bridge. Another six months in a rainy season and the gravel will be even or over it.
A permit has been granted to clean about 25 yards from the bridge. An estimate of $18,000 has been given to do the entire job. The estimate is reasonable because of the equipment and care that has to be given. For instance, nothing can be placed on the ground around the creek. Every tractor scoop has to be placed immediately in a waiting dump truck and carried to another location. It is labor intensive and time consuming. Lone Star Construction has both the equipment and experience
To cover the expense, a golf tournament is being planned for spring. However, the work may have to be completed sooner due to the gravel, weeds, and flood debris. Susan Terry, Keep Salado Beautiful, has agreed to accept donations to have the work done as soon as possible. So that your donation is tax deductible, please make it payable to Salado Community Foundation which is a 501-C-3 Foundation. You will receive a receipt for your donation. Your donation may be mailed to Keep Salado Beautiful, P.O. Box 895, Salado, Texas 76571 or given to Susan Terry.
Your gift will be a win - win for everyone -- for you, an end-of-the-year tax write-off; for the community, a great gift for keeping the creek healthy and clean. It is promised that every penny given will be used to clean the creek and keep it cleaned.
Thank you for your consideration and generosity.
3. James Construction and TXDoT have placed special lighted signs assisting people through the construction and downtown. James Construction is also paying for an I-35 Billboard announcing Salado's Christmas activities. Our Chamber Executive Director, Mary Posche is designing the Billboard. Look for it soon.
4. The Scottish Games brought many, many people to Salado. From all reports, it went well and our businesses had customers.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Your Village in 3 minutes, Saturday, 7 November
1. Last evening was the reception for Mary Posche, the Village's new Chamber of Commerce Executive Director. In meeting with her, she is very experienced, well balanced in thinking and planning, an economic developer, creative, detailed, personable, and committed to Salado.
She has visited many businesses in Salado and a number of shop owners have visited her. The doors of communication are open and she welcomes the dialogue. From these conversations, she understands how critical the situation is and what is at stake. Her job is not going to be easy.
Mary has said repeatedly that she need to talk and hear from you. It is important that you take the opportunity to do so. You will find her to be a good listener, a note taker, and one who will talk frankly about your concerns. The time will not be wasted. Her office is in the log cabin Information Center.
Finally, it is important the you take every opportunity to support her. She will not only make a difference, she will have a plan forward. And, it will be on the cutting edge of economic development.
2. Tuesday evening, 10 November, 6:30 P.M. is the Town Hall meeting with TxDoT and James Construction. The meeting, held in the Intermediate School Cafeteria on Thomas Arnold, will consist of presentations from Greg Malatek, TxDoT, Mike Killgore, President James Construction, and questions and answers. There will be no time limit on this meeting; however, if it drags or ceases to be productive, it will be ended.
There is no doubt that all of us are tired of Construction, tired of being told one thing and hearing another, frustrated, angry, and disappointed. Salado has suffered enough. However, TxDoT and James Construction asked for this Town Hall. Listen to their presentations. When it comes to questions and answers, be prepared. Ask the hard questions; be factual; be direct; and be to the point. You may even want to write down your questions before coming. If you want to get the point across, keep emotions in check.
The letter to every Federal, State, and County elected official is ready for your signature. It will be at the entrance to the Cafeteria. The more signatures; the better. At least 4 people have worked on this letter and it is to the point.
3. Thursday evening, 12 November, 6:30 P.M., Municipal Building, is the BOA workshop. If you want to hear the latest on Sanctuary, this is the Workshop to attend. The proposed agreement will be discussed by the Aldermen/Lady. You will not have the opportunity to enter into the discussion but you will hear first-hand what is happening. It is an open meeting.
4. Our Police Chief was involved in a car accident Thursday evening. Fortunately, he was not seriously hurt and no broken bones. Released from Scott and White, Chief Hensley is home recovering from cuts and bruises.
1. Last evening was the reception for Mary Posche, the Village's new Chamber of Commerce Executive Director. In meeting with her, she is very experienced, well balanced in thinking and planning, an economic developer, creative, detailed, personable, and committed to Salado.
She has visited many businesses in Salado and a number of shop owners have visited her. The doors of communication are open and she welcomes the dialogue. From these conversations, she understands how critical the situation is and what is at stake. Her job is not going to be easy.
Mary has said repeatedly that she need to talk and hear from you. It is important that you take the opportunity to do so. You will find her to be a good listener, a note taker, and one who will talk frankly about your concerns. The time will not be wasted. Her office is in the log cabin Information Center.
Finally, it is important the you take every opportunity to support her. She will not only make a difference, she will have a plan forward. And, it will be on the cutting edge of economic development.
2. Tuesday evening, 10 November, 6:30 P.M. is the Town Hall meeting with TxDoT and James Construction. The meeting, held in the Intermediate School Cafeteria on Thomas Arnold, will consist of presentations from Greg Malatek, TxDoT, Mike Killgore, President James Construction, and questions and answers. There will be no time limit on this meeting; however, if it drags or ceases to be productive, it will be ended.
There is no doubt that all of us are tired of Construction, tired of being told one thing and hearing another, frustrated, angry, and disappointed. Salado has suffered enough. However, TxDoT and James Construction asked for this Town Hall. Listen to their presentations. When it comes to questions and answers, be prepared. Ask the hard questions; be factual; be direct; and be to the point. You may even want to write down your questions before coming. If you want to get the point across, keep emotions in check.
The letter to every Federal, State, and County elected official is ready for your signature. It will be at the entrance to the Cafeteria. The more signatures; the better. At least 4 people have worked on this letter and it is to the point.
3. Thursday evening, 12 November, 6:30 P.M., Municipal Building, is the BOA workshop. If you want to hear the latest on Sanctuary, this is the Workshop to attend. The proposed agreement will be discussed by the Aldermen/Lady. You will not have the opportunity to enter into the discussion but you will hear first-hand what is happening. It is an open meeting.
4. Our Police Chief was involved in a car accident Thursday evening. Fortunately, he was not seriously hurt and no broken bones. Released from Scott and White, Chief Hensley is home recovering from cuts and bruises.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Halloween, 2015
It was a great Halloween evening. Wonderful children, many smiles, lots of fun, and no mishaps made this year's Halloween special. Many thanks to the parents who escorted their children, and to the churches and organizations that gave candy and fun in a safe place at Wildfire Arena.
Here are some pictures of some very interesting Halloween characters:
It was a great Halloween evening. Wonderful children, many smiles, lots of fun, and no mishaps made this year's Halloween special. Many thanks to the parents who escorted their children, and to the churches and organizations that gave candy and fun in a safe place at Wildfire Arena.
Here are some pictures of some very interesting Halloween characters:
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty!
Cool young ladies!
Not much candy, here!
Your guess is as good as mine!
And you find the mask?
On the move . . . so many houses, so little time!
This is Salado!
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Fast moving Salado Creek, delays, and Halloween
The water is receding as expected. Salado creek is still running wild and should be taken seriously. This morning a young girl was standing on a rock over the rapids. One slip and she would be in deep trouble. Please take every precaution with this creek. The small creeks are also running at a rapid pace.
Fortunately, we did not get the 13 inches that San Marcos and Austin received. It is reported that the main Austin Airport was closed for 9 hours Friday because of the weather.
I-35 is down to one lane going south. Traffic is backed up for miles. This morning there was a wreck which caused additional delays.
The Wildfire Arena will be an excellent place to take your children this evening. The churches and other organizations are coming together to give away Halloween treats. It is free. And, it is dry and safe.
Please drive carefully and have a fun Halloween.
The water is receding as expected. Salado creek is still running wild and should be taken seriously. This morning a young girl was standing on a rock over the rapids. One slip and she would be in deep trouble. Please take every precaution with this creek. The small creeks are also running at a rapid pace.
Fortunately, we did not get the 13 inches that San Marcos and Austin received. It is reported that the main Austin Airport was closed for 9 hours Friday because of the weather.
I-35 is down to one lane going south. Traffic is backed up for miles. This morning there was a wreck which caused additional delays.
The Wildfire Arena will be an excellent place to take your children this evening. The churches and other organizations are coming together to give away Halloween treats. It is free. And, it is dry and safe.
Please drive carefully and have a fun Halloween.
Latest on Water
Throughout the night, careful watch has been made on the road conditions and continuous rain. The results as of 4 A.M this morning:
1. Main Street Bridge. The water has receded about a foot, however, rain around Salado will cause the creek to rise more. MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT SALADO CREEK. IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. DO NOT TRY TO DRIVE ACROSS IT OR WADE/SWIM IN IT. It will go recede, but it will be a number of days before it will return to normal. The Police Department will be monitoring the use of the creek.
2. Do Not venture into Pace Park. The water is over the road at Jack's barn on the south end of the loop. It is deep water from Salado Creek.
3. Chisholm Trail and Stagecoach road has water across it and in the yards of the houses around the run off. Because one cannot drive or walk into the construction areas, it is not possible to determine the source of the water. However, emails have been sent to the President of James Construction, TXDot Executive Director and Chief Engineers, and Hidden Glenn owners and developers. Phone Calls will follow.
4. Water is over Salado Plaza near the head of Chisholm Trail and Old Mill Drive. Do not try to cross the water, it is deep. The people that live on Old Mill Drive cannot get out at the moment. However, the creek recedes fast and it should be passable by early morning if there is not additional heavy rain.
5. Royal street has some gravel across the road in the business area. Drive slowly in this area and give yourself time to break. There is a shallow stream of water around the "s" curve by the Methodist Church. It is passable.
6. At this time of morning, I-35 traffic was flowing with no back-up.
7. Water did get up to the base of Serena. However, it did not go any farther.
The Low is moving East across Texas. By noon, the rain is to diminish, however, showers is forecasted for this evening. Unfortunately, this is not the time for Halloween and children. If you go out, please watch for the water -- it was difficult to see early this morning.
More rain is expected beginning Thursday and through next Saturday. Saturday, 14 November might be a good time to have a clean-up day at Pace Park. Of course, it depends on the weather.
Finally, every effort is being made to find the $18,000 to clean out the grass and gravel at the low bridge. Susan Terry is willing to accept donations and ask the Salado Community Foundation permission to use their 501C-3. This will be a tax write-off so be sure to put on any check what the donation is intended. Any organization or individual willing to contribute will be greatly appreciated. A PROMISE: THIS MONEY WILL BE USED FOR WHAT IS INTENDED -- TO CLEAN OUT THE GROWTH AND GRAVEL AROUND THE BRIDGE.
Throughout the night, careful watch has been made on the road conditions and continuous rain. The results as of 4 A.M this morning:
1. Main Street Bridge. The water has receded about a foot, however, rain around Salado will cause the creek to rise more. MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT SALADO CREEK. IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. DO NOT TRY TO DRIVE ACROSS IT OR WADE/SWIM IN IT. It will go recede, but it will be a number of days before it will return to normal. The Police Department will be monitoring the use of the creek.
2. Do Not venture into Pace Park. The water is over the road at Jack's barn on the south end of the loop. It is deep water from Salado Creek.
3. Chisholm Trail and Stagecoach road has water across it and in the yards of the houses around the run off. Because one cannot drive or walk into the construction areas, it is not possible to determine the source of the water. However, emails have been sent to the President of James Construction, TXDot Executive Director and Chief Engineers, and Hidden Glenn owners and developers. Phone Calls will follow.
4. Water is over Salado Plaza near the head of Chisholm Trail and Old Mill Drive. Do not try to cross the water, it is deep. The people that live on Old Mill Drive cannot get out at the moment. However, the creek recedes fast and it should be passable by early morning if there is not additional heavy rain.
5. Royal street has some gravel across the road in the business area. Drive slowly in this area and give yourself time to break. There is a shallow stream of water around the "s" curve by the Methodist Church. It is passable.
6. At this time of morning, I-35 traffic was flowing with no back-up.
7. Water did get up to the base of Serena. However, it did not go any farther.
The Low is moving East across Texas. By noon, the rain is to diminish, however, showers is forecasted for this evening. Unfortunately, this is not the time for Halloween and children. If you go out, please watch for the water -- it was difficult to see early this morning.
More rain is expected beginning Thursday and through next Saturday. Saturday, 14 November might be a good time to have a clean-up day at Pace Park. Of course, it depends on the weather.
Finally, every effort is being made to find the $18,000 to clean out the grass and gravel at the low bridge. Susan Terry is willing to accept donations and ask the Salado Community Foundation permission to use their 501C-3. This will be a tax write-off so be sure to put on any check what the donation is intended. Any organization or individual willing to contribute will be greatly appreciated. A PROMISE: THIS MONEY WILL BE USED FOR WHAT IS INTENDED -- TO CLEAN OUT THE GROWTH AND GRAVEL AROUND THE BRIDGE.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Water and Main Street Bridge
The water is slightly under the Main Street Bridge road. The chances of it going over the bridge are excellent regardless of how much rain Salado receives. Water is coming from over-flowing creeks all around us. If that happens, Main Street Bridge will close until the water recedes.
Approximately 5 homes on Chisholm Trail are very close to having water in their house. One has water in their garage. The residents believe the water is either coming from the Hidden Glenn construction site or the Highway construction. It is too wet and dangerous to investigate the source, but it will be investigated as soon as the rain stops.
Salado Creek is very dangerous with fast rising and flowing water. Please take no chances. Many roads have large pools of water. Please slow down. Those living in low areas, please plan for a route out. An ounce of precaution is worth a pound of cure. Nothing is worth your or your family's life.
Our Police and Firemen have been out in force. Not only have they worked the flood, they have worked 3 accidents on I-35.
Until it stops raining, please consider remaining at home. It is very dangerous driving and/or walking.
Halloween is tomorrow. There will be lots of children seeking candy. Please, please drive carefully. Moms and dads will be with them. Be extra cautious.
Finally, please remember that you get one hour of extra sleep Sunday. Change of time.
The water is slightly under the Main Street Bridge road. The chances of it going over the bridge are excellent regardless of how much rain Salado receives. Water is coming from over-flowing creeks all around us. If that happens, Main Street Bridge will close until the water recedes.
Approximately 5 homes on Chisholm Trail are very close to having water in their house. One has water in their garage. The residents believe the water is either coming from the Hidden Glenn construction site or the Highway construction. It is too wet and dangerous to investigate the source, but it will be investigated as soon as the rain stops.
Salado Creek is very dangerous with fast rising and flowing water. Please take no chances. Many roads have large pools of water. Please slow down. Those living in low areas, please plan for a route out. An ounce of precaution is worth a pound of cure. Nothing is worth your or your family's life.
Our Police and Firemen have been out in force. Not only have they worked the flood, they have worked 3 accidents on I-35.
Until it stops raining, please consider remaining at home. It is very dangerous driving and/or walking.
Halloween is tomorrow. There will be lots of children seeking candy. Please, please drive carefully. Moms and dads will be with them. Be extra cautious.
Finally, please remember that you get one hour of extra sleep Sunday. Change of time.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Your Village in 3 minutes, 29 October, 15
The following is the latest news:
Monday afternoon, there was a meeting with three of TXDoT's Chief engineers. Held at their request, the purpose of the meeting was to discuss how Salado thought the construction was going for the last three months. It was a to-the-point, put-everything-out-on-the table discussion. Beginning with the change in schedule, to the frustration of Salado residents, to the loss of trust and integrity, to unreliable communication . . . . you can add to the list -- nothing was spared.
The upcoming Town Hall, 10 November, 6:30 P.M. Intermediate School Cafeteria was also discussed. They are prepared to give you a detailed overview and answer your questions. The point was made to be prepared for difficult questions and to give straightforward answers.
TxDoT listened carefully and said they would continue to try to shorten the construction period. They also said that special lighted signage will be all along I-35 announcing the Stroll and the exits.
Tuesday, at 2 P.M., Alderman Michael McDougal chaired the TXDot/James Construction weekly meeting. As you know, the traffic through our section of I-35 will be down to one-lane both North and South. Halloween, part of the Salado Plaza Bridge will come down and traffic will be routed on the new I-35 detour road.
Cement will be poured on the east side of the 2484 Bridge.
The Town Hall was discussed. Greg Malatek, TXDoT, will give the brief. Mr. Mike Kilgore, President James Construction will attend along with other James Construction Personnel.
2. Welcome Mary Poche, new Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau
A Reception will be given in her honor, 6 November, 5:30-6:30 P.M. in the Salado's Visitor Center.
Please take the time to stop by and say, "hello."
3. Impressed with Salado -- they love the Village
From Susan Terry:
Recently, the following people were very impressed with Salado:
The following is the latest news:
Monday afternoon, there was a meeting with three of TXDoT's Chief engineers. Held at their request, the purpose of the meeting was to discuss how Salado thought the construction was going for the last three months. It was a to-the-point, put-everything-out-on-the table discussion. Beginning with the change in schedule, to the frustration of Salado residents, to the loss of trust and integrity, to unreliable communication . . . . you can add to the list -- nothing was spared.
The upcoming Town Hall, 10 November, 6:30 P.M. Intermediate School Cafeteria was also discussed. They are prepared to give you a detailed overview and answer your questions. The point was made to be prepared for difficult questions and to give straightforward answers.
TxDoT listened carefully and said they would continue to try to shorten the construction period. They also said that special lighted signage will be all along I-35 announcing the Stroll and the exits.
Tuesday, at 2 P.M., Alderman Michael McDougal chaired the TXDot/James Construction weekly meeting. As you know, the traffic through our section of I-35 will be down to one-lane both North and South. Halloween, part of the Salado Plaza Bridge will come down and traffic will be routed on the new I-35 detour road.
Cement will be poured on the east side of the 2484 Bridge.
The Town Hall was discussed. Greg Malatek, TXDoT, will give the brief. Mr. Mike Kilgore, President James Construction will attend along with other James Construction Personnel.
2. Welcome Mary Poche, new Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau
A Reception will be given in her honor, 6 November, 5:30-6:30 P.M. in the Salado's Visitor Center.
Please take the time to stop by and say, "hello."
3. Impressed with Salado -- they love the Village
From Susan Terry:
Recently, the following people were very impressed with Salado:
J.J. Mack, UT College of Natural Science Development Office and
Paul Jin, UMHB MIS Chinese exchange student, working as an website intern for KSB
We are a very special village.
4. Colonel Todd Fox will be speaking to the Lion's Club in November. He is the new Garrison Commander Fort Hood. An outstanding speaker, he is worthy of your time.
5. National Recycle Day, November 14th

6. Fort Hood Sentinel printed this Story about Tablerock and Fright Night

There are many things happening in Salado. Please get involved.
We are a very special village.
4. Colonel Todd Fox will be speaking to the Lion's Club in November. He is the new Garrison Commander Fort Hood. An outstanding speaker, he is worthy of your time.
5. National Recycle Day, November 14th
6. Fort Hood Sentinel printed this Story about Tablerock and Fright Night
There are many things happening in Salado. Please get involved.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Heavy Rain in the Forecast
The next few days may produce a large amount of rain. As you have experienced this means that
(1) Salado Creek may flow out of its banks causing flooding.
(2) Roads may be blocked due to low water bridges.
(3) Construction sites will cause problems.
(4) Accidents on I-35 will cause traffic problems.
Prepare by:
(1) Take no chances with the flooding. Especially do not take a chance by wading or swimming in fast moving water. Salado Creek can be dangerous.
(2) Have an alternate route around the low water bridges. Holland Road or Royal Street may be the best way out of Salado.
(3) It only takes a small accident to cause a large problem on I-35. Leave early and have an alternate route.
(4) Take no chances. It is not worth it.
Our Police and Fire Department will be out in case of flooding. They will do all they can to keep you safe. Please do your part.
The next few days may produce a large amount of rain. As you have experienced this means that
(1) Salado Creek may flow out of its banks causing flooding.
(2) Roads may be blocked due to low water bridges.
(3) Construction sites will cause problems.
(4) Accidents on I-35 will cause traffic problems.
Prepare by:
(1) Take no chances with the flooding. Especially do not take a chance by wading or swimming in fast moving water. Salado Creek can be dangerous.
(2) Have an alternate route around the low water bridges. Holland Road or Royal Street may be the best way out of Salado.
(3) It only takes a small accident to cause a large problem on I-35. Leave early and have an alternate route.
(4) Take no chances. It is not worth it.
Our Police and Fire Department will be out in case of flooding. They will do all they can to keep you safe. Please do your part.
The Deer Town Hall -- this Thursday evening
Thursday evening, 22 October, is one for all of Salado. Like any controversial subject, there are many sides, myths, truths, and rumors. The difficult task is to know what to believe. This is a Town Hall you will not want to miss because the Professionals will help you with facts and no spin. Here is the program:
6:30 P.M. - Introduction
6:35 P.M.- Derrick Wolter, Game Biologist, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. "Suburban Deer Management in Texas"
6:45 P.M. - Charles Edwards, Deer Committee Chairman, City of Lakeway. "Suburban Deer Management in Lakeway: A Case Study"
6:55 P.M. - Dr. Walter Cook, Wildlife Veterinarian, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. "Potential Health Issues Associates with Overpopulation of Deer"
7:05 P.M. - Panel Discussion Question and Answer Panel. Members include:
*Derrick Wolter
*Charles Edwards
*Dr. Walter Cook
*Bell County Game Wardens
*John Cornelius, Wildlife Management Professional
*Mary Ann Everett, Master Gardener and Master Naturalist
*Laura Murphy, Past President of Bell Co Master Gardeners
8:20 P.M.- Closing remarks
It is worth you time; worth your interest; worth your attendance.
Thursday evening, 22 October, is one for all of Salado. Like any controversial subject, there are many sides, myths, truths, and rumors. The difficult task is to know what to believe. This is a Town Hall you will not want to miss because the Professionals will help you with facts and no spin. Here is the program:
6:30 P.M. - Introduction
6:35 P.M.- Derrick Wolter, Game Biologist, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. "Suburban Deer Management in Texas"
6:45 P.M. - Charles Edwards, Deer Committee Chairman, City of Lakeway. "Suburban Deer Management in Lakeway: A Case Study"
6:55 P.M. - Dr. Walter Cook, Wildlife Veterinarian, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. "Potential Health Issues Associates with Overpopulation of Deer"
7:05 P.M. - Panel Discussion Question and Answer Panel. Members include:
*Derrick Wolter
*Charles Edwards
*Dr. Walter Cook
*Bell County Game Wardens
*John Cornelius, Wildlife Management Professional
*Mary Ann Everett, Master Gardener and Master Naturalist
*Laura Murphy, Past President of Bell Co Master Gardeners
8:20 P.M.- Closing remarks
It is worth you time; worth your interest; worth your attendance.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Mary Ann Poche, our new Chamber Director
Our new Chamber Director, Mary Ann Poche, will soon soon start work in our Village. Due to her present job in Decatur and giving proper notice to her employer, the following is her schedule:
Full time days in Salado - October 21, 22, 23 Full time days in Decatur - October 19, 20
Full time days in Salado - October 26, 27, 28, 29 Moving from Decatur - October 30
Permanent full time start in Salado - Nov. 2
From those who have met her as well as her resume, there is much excitement.
Welcome, Mary Ann.
Our new Chamber Director, Mary Ann Poche, will soon soon start work in our Village. Due to her present job in Decatur and giving proper notice to her employer, the following is her schedule:
Full time days in Salado - October 21, 22, 23 Full time days in Decatur - October 19, 20
Full time days in Salado - October 26, 27, 28, 29 Moving from Decatur - October 30
Permanent full time start in Salado - Nov. 2
From those who have met her as well as her resume, there is much excitement.
Welcome, Mary Ann.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Town Hall: The Professionals Talk About Deer
Citizens have suggested to have a Town Hall with professionals discussing the care of Deer. Alderlady Dankert was asked to prepare such an event.
October 22, 6:30 P.M., Municipal Building, the program will be as follows:
6:30 P.M. - Introduction
6:35 P.M.- Derrick Wolter, Game Biologist, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. "Suburban Deer Management in Texas"
6:45 P.M. - Charles Edwards, Deer Committee Chairman, City of Lakeway. "Suburban Deer Management in Lakeway: A Case Study"
6:55 P.M. - Dr. Walter Cook, Wildlife Veterinarian, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. "Potential Health Issues Associates with Overpopulation of Deer"
7:05 P.M. - Panel Discussion Question and Answer Panel. Members include:
*Derrick Wolter
*Charles Edwards
*Dr. Walter Cook
*Bell County Game Wardens
*John Cornelius, Wildlife Management Professional
*Mary Ann Everett, Master Gardener and Master Naturalist
*Laura Murphy, Past President of Bell Co Master Gardeners
8:20 P.M.- Closing remarks
This will be a time to learn about the care of deer. It is information from the Professionals only. The purpose is not to argue or try to persuade.
Citizens have suggested to have a Town Hall with professionals discussing the care of Deer. Alderlady Dankert was asked to prepare such an event.
October 22, 6:30 P.M., Municipal Building, the program will be as follows:
6:30 P.M. - Introduction
6:35 P.M.- Derrick Wolter, Game Biologist, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. "Suburban Deer Management in Texas"
6:45 P.M. - Charles Edwards, Deer Committee Chairman, City of Lakeway. "Suburban Deer Management in Lakeway: A Case Study"
6:55 P.M. - Dr. Walter Cook, Wildlife Veterinarian, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. "Potential Health Issues Associates with Overpopulation of Deer"
7:05 P.M. - Panel Discussion Question and Answer Panel. Members include:
*Derrick Wolter
*Charles Edwards
*Dr. Walter Cook
*Bell County Game Wardens
*John Cornelius, Wildlife Management Professional
*Mary Ann Everett, Master Gardener and Master Naturalist
*Laura Murphy, Past President of Bell Co Master Gardeners
8:20 P.M.- Closing remarks
This will be a time to learn about the care of deer. It is information from the Professionals only. The purpose is not to argue or try to persuade.
Monday, October 12, 2015
The Latest on the I-35 Construction
Tuesday afternoon in the weekly TXDot/James Construction meeting, the following schedule was unexpectedly released byGreg Malatek, Austin District Engineer, TxDot:
Tuesday afternoon in the weekly TXDot/James Construction meeting, the following schedule was unexpectedly released byGreg Malatek, Austin District Engineer, TxDot:
§Switch the southbound mainlane traffic off of the
existing mainlanes and onto the southbound Detour N October 31, 2015
§Open Holiday detours in place for access to downtown Salado November
20, 2015
§Open the southbound frontage road from Thomas Arnold Rd.
to FM 2268 February 1, 2016
§Open Salado Plaza Dr. to east-west traffic on a new
temporary connection March 11, 2016
§Switch the northbound mainlane traffic off the shared southbound mainlane across to the new
northbound mainlane over Salado Plaza
May 9, 2016
That night, this letter was sent to Mike Kilgore, President, James Construction
Please accept these comments:
1. Salado citizens know that there are significant reasons that have caused their unwarranted suffering: a. Poor management in the first 2 to 2.5 years; b. a lack of concern for Salado and putting all emphasis on Belton, Temple, Jarrell, and Killeen; c. currently not meeting schedules; and d.resources.
2. Salado citizens express daily that you and TxDoT can do more. The project is 3.5 miles and more crews and subcontractors can finish the project in a matter of 3 months. It is understood that there is a small footprint where only so many people can work safely. However, their are jobs in that footprint where that reasoning does not apply (i.e. the exit by the Municipal building, work on the bridges, the low water bridge by the road behind Johnnies; the 2484 bridge where the deck plates are placed; the exit by CEFCO; clean-up; grass cutting; police control; and the list goes on). Most are not engineers, Mike, but they have eyes and are very educated. They know the difference between truth and cover-up. What is given one week as “this will be completed in 2 or 3 days” is not done three weeks later. Put simply: when trust is broken, it cannot be totally re-built.
3. If one does not live in Salado, they do not know the intense pain of this period of time. Citizens are tired of other neighbors and communities saying, “poor, mistreated little Salado. Too bad.” They are fed-up watching their friends and neighbors spend their last pennies trying to stay in business. They are emotionally and mentally exhausted at the excuses, promises, and untruths that have been told them. If you lived here, Mike, you would feel the same and you would be just as angry. The truth is at the-end-of-the-day you can get in your car and leave. They cannot. The ridicule and lack of respect never goes away.
4. Hell has no fury like the fury of a scorned Village. You may feel it and see it in a Town Hall meeting. However, in the end, you will leave and probably say, “Glad this is over. Let me get out of here. We have done our due diligence; they have no choice but to accept it. We will do as we please and meet the deadlines, maybe, as we have outlined them. Of course, there are always the weather, holiday, and management excuses we can use.”
5. The only weapon the citizens can use is the pen and that weapon is already in the making. They have had enough. Politically, this town has strong political arms that reach not only to Austin but to Washington. They have no fear and can produce documented justification for their remarks and accusations. Unless there is immediate change, they will flex their political muscle through voice and letters. They know your pockets are deep, but so is their commitment and resolve to bring this to an end. All they ask is to finish the project this year. That is not impossible if James Construction, TXDot, and PSC have the same commitment and resolve.
You see, Mike, your payment for 3.5 miles of road is over 70 million dollars. You are paying late fines for not completing on time. Do you think Salado will see one dime of that money? Absolutely not. All Salado receives are more delays, excuses, broken promises, and a-smile-and-a-wink. Now do you understand the anger and lack of trust?
This is the plan:
1. There will be a Town Hall Meeting 10 November, 6:30 P.M. TxDot and James Construction will be there to make their presentation. There will be time for questions, answers, and comments.
2. A second letter is being prepared for Federal and State elected leaders for citizens to sign The location for signatures will soon be announced.
3. A third letter is being sent to General Weber, Executive Director of TxDoT.
I take full responsibility for these actions. I do not like being told one thing and believing it to be the truth, given to citizens to be truth, and then changed in an afternoon meeting with the words, "we have studied this and it is the best we can do at this time, but we will keep trying."
If corrective action is not taken by James Construction and TxDot, the Board of Aldermen/lady will be respectfully asked to begin researching legal action to include damages.
If corrective action is not taken by James Construction and TxDot, the Board of Aldermen/lady will be respectfully asked to begin researching legal action to include damages.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Your Village in 3 minutes, Sunday, 11 October
This has been a banner weekend for Salado filled with excitement. One clear indication was the success of Christmas in October. Not only did it do well, the shop owners in town did well. Not only did the shop owners do well, the events were spectacular. If you have been reading the Blog, you have been following some of the events. Celebrate these events:
at the Salado Winery Co. & Salado Wine Seller
Ms. Thomas, a Temple resident, studied art at the Texas Schools of Fine Arts in Austin and graduated with a degree in fine arts from Abilene Christian University.
She has owned a graphic design company, painted furniture and murals, and sold her paintings in galleries. Ms. Thomas loves to paint Central Texas landscapes that highlight big skies, winding roads, and beautiful views of our area.
As she puts it, "Today we seem to be caught in such busy, every-minute-filled lifestyles. My paintings are intended to move us toward a calmer, less stressful pace for everyday living."
In November, Salado Winery Co. and Salado Wine Seller will celebrate 10 years of business in Salado. According to the owners, the last two years have seen the business increase and continue to grow.
2. Auditions at Tablerock for Fright Night and Christmas Carol
Saturday, 10 Oct and Sunday, 11 October, auditions are/were being held at Tablerock for this years Fright Night and Christmas Carol. People just kept coming to read a part for the performances. Wow were they good! These two events must be on your calendars.
This has been a banner weekend for Salado filled with excitement. One clear indication was the success of Christmas in October. Not only did it do well, the shop owners in town did well. Not only did the shop owners do well, the events were spectacular. If you have been reading the Blog, you have been following some of the events. Celebrate these events:
at the Salado Winery Co. & Salado Wine Seller
Ms. Thomas, a Temple resident, studied art at the Texas Schools of Fine Arts in Austin and graduated with a degree in fine arts from Abilene Christian University.
She has owned a graphic design company, painted furniture and murals, and sold her paintings in galleries. Ms. Thomas loves to paint Central Texas landscapes that highlight big skies, winding roads, and beautiful views of our area.
As she puts it, "Today we seem to be caught in such busy, every-minute-filled lifestyles. My paintings are intended to move us toward a calmer, less stressful pace for everyday living."
In November, Salado Winery Co. and Salado Wine Seller will celebrate 10 years of business in Salado. According to the owners, the last two years have seen the business increase and continue to grow.
2. Auditions at Tablerock for Fright Night and Christmas Carol
Saturday, 10 Oct and Sunday, 11 October, auditions are/were being held at Tablerock for this years Fright Night and Christmas Carol. People just kept coming to read a part for the performances. Wow were they good! These two events must be on your calendars.
Actors awaiting their turn to read. The empty chair belongs to the one who is reading. Behind this table are people standing, filling out paper work, and waiting their turn.
Jackie Mills giving instructions, schedules, and details on what happens if you are chosen for a part.
Trying out for a part -- giving your best shot to be chosen.
She's a writer, an artist, an organizer, and now she wants to be an actor.
3. And then there was Zoe (pronounced Zoey) in Dee's Antique Mall . . .
She heard the ocean in the shell! May she always have the wonderment, excitement, and surprise of a child -- even when she is a 100.
4. Oh, yes, this cat says it all . . . .
"What a day. A cat cannot even enjoy a restful moment. So much happening -- and all I want is a saucer of milk and a good nap!"
Michael Pritchett's new Art Gallery
Last evening Michael Pritchett, opened his new Art Gallery, Sirril Art Gallery, Main Street above Rosanky's.
It was an impressive evening featuring art from various artists like Maria Rios who grew-up in Russia.
Last evening Michael Pritchett, opened his new Art Gallery, Sirril Art Gallery, Main Street above Rosanky's.
It was an impressive evening featuring art from various artists like Maria Rios who grew-up in Russia.
Maria Rios who not only speaks fluent Russian but fluent Spanish as well.
Michael Prichett won first place in arTexas. His winning art immediately sold.
Michael, one of the new business owners "laying down roots in Salado."
Welcome, Michael. Our Village wishes your Art Gallery much success.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Family Day -- Fire Department
Family Day at the Fire Department was everything and more it was advertised to be. Games, food, and demonstrations were enjoyed by all. Here are a few pictures of a great afternoon with some of Salado's finest.
Family Day at the Fire Department was everything and more it was advertised to be. Games, food, and demonstrations were enjoyed by all. Here are a few pictures of a great afternoon with some of Salado's finest.
There were games . . . and prizes
Talking, sharing stories, and watching the next generation of Firemen
There were nice, pretty girls and handsome young men
Red Brush truck, and
"Someday . . . . I will be a Firemen."
I will learn to save people's lives.
The door was completely cut off. In fact, there was tool that one fireman used to cut out the entire front windshield by hand in less that 7 minutes.
Thank you for a great Family Day. You do an excellent job in protecting us.
Christmas in October a smashing success!
Christmas in October was excellent this year. The Venue was a wonderful place to have it. Many compliments on the organization, friendliness, and merchandize. Merchants were very happy with the number of sales they had. Shops on Main Street also benefited from Christmas in October. The pictures below are just a sample of the booths and shoppers.
A lull in the business. It was unusual to get a picture like this. Most of the time there were too many people to get a clear shot. See how neat and organized the booths looked.
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus flew from the North Pole just to give children the opportunity to have their picture taken and to receive their wishes for Christmas.
Shoppers bought and Shop Owners sold. Welcome to Christmas in October.
A great day to buy that special gift.
Many, many thanks to the Ladies Auxillary and all the volunteers who made Christmas In October one of the best. You made the day special for everyone.
Friday, October 9, 2015
It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas . . . .
Everything is BIG this weekend, Friend!
1. Christmas in October is in full swing at the Venue. Saturday is going to be a super huge day! Invite your families, friends, long lost cousins, next door neighbors, and any one else you know. Doors open at 9 A.M. and close at 5 P.M.
2. Come early because our Volunteer Firemen will have their FAMOUS Family day on 2484 across from the High School from 2 to 5 P.M. There is something for everyone including free food. At 3 P.M., the Firemen will demonstrate how to free trapped people from a wrecked car. There equipment is amazing; their experience world class.
OH, YES. Bring a few cans of food, quick snacks, popcorn, cookies, chips, water, soda for their empty Pantry. They are not asking for it. Instead, this is our way of showing how much we appreciate what they do.
1. Christmas in October is in full swing at the Venue. Saturday is going to be a super huge day! Invite your families, friends, long lost cousins, next door neighbors, and any one else you know. Doors open at 9 A.M. and close at 5 P.M.
2. Come early because our Volunteer Firemen will have their FAMOUS Family day on 2484 across from the High School from 2 to 5 P.M. There is something for everyone including free food. At 3 P.M., the Firemen will demonstrate how to free trapped people from a wrecked car. There equipment is amazing; their experience world class.
OH, YES. Bring a few cans of food, quick snacks, popcorn, cookies, chips, water, soda for their empty Pantry. They are not asking for it. Instead, this is our way of showing how much we appreciate what they do.
at the Salado Winery Co. & Salado Wine Seller (841 N Main St.)
Saturday, October 10th from 1pm - 7pm
Patty Thomas will be on hand to discuss her newest artworks.
This is a solo show at Salado Winery for Ms. Thomas, whose work has been seen at the winery previously. She was selected for the next exhibition at the winery to showcase and celebrate Central Texas and the beauty of fall.
Ms. Thomas, a Temple resident, studied art at the Texas Schools of Fine Arts in Austin and graduated with a degree in fine arts from Abilene Christian University.
She has owned a graphic design company, painted furniture and murals, and sold her paintings in galleries. Ms. Thomas loves to paint Central Texas landscapes that highlight big skies, winding roads, and beautiful views of our area.
As she puts it, "Today we seem to be caught in such busy, every-minute-filled lifestyles. My paintings are intended to move us toward a calmer, less stressful pace for everyday living."
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