Saturday, January 16, 2016

Be vigilant


In no way is this meant to overly alarm you, however, an event happened this week occurred that should make you more vigilant.

A car traveling down I-35 was involved in an accident..  Th car, after hitting the other vehichle, left the scene of the accident -- a hit and run.

The car traveled to Brookshires where our Police Department became involved.  Drugs were found in the car along with weapons, and charge cards.  Police dogs were called to the scene and a deeper search of the car was done.

It is believe that this did NOT involve terrorism or people involved in terrorism.  However, it is a visible warning that the size of a community does not eliminate the possibility of terrorism or domestic terrorism.  The number of cars and trucks traveling down I-35 is staggering and it is next to impossible to determine who is a terrorist and who is not.

In talking to local law enforcement officers,  companies in our area are using drones to inspect all types of construction and other activities.  These companies are registered, following regulations, and operating the drones legally.

Drones can be activated and flown with a cell phone.  They do not need liquid fuel; battery-powered electricity is just as reliable.  This Christmas, drones were very popular and could be bought for as little as $80.  As the demand grows, they will become cheaper in a competitive market.

It is a new world in which we live.  As small and lovely as our Village is, we are as vulnerable as any super large city.  It is a fact that Federal Law Enforcement Officers are involved in our and other communities around us.  We should be thankful for the attention.  It will keep us safe.

We are close to our State Capitol, Fort Hood, and other installations of significant importance.  We cannot be too vigilant.  If you see anything unusual or out-of-the ordinary, please call 911 or our Police Department immediately.  Forget looking foolish or what people may think, in the environment in which we live, "Vigilance" is the watch-word.

Thank you.  VR/Skip


  1. Are you serious? How did this go from a hit and run by some idiots to a domestic terrorism post?

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