Sunday, August 3, 2014

"It only takes a spark to get a fire going"


Creativity is intelligence having fun.  People admire intelligence, but they are attracted to fun.  Leonardo da Vinci knew how to combine both.  The diversity of his ideas and expertise staggers the mind.  He was a painter, architect, sculptor, anatomist, musician, inventor, and engineer.  He was the first Renaissance Man.

Charmaine Barker followed Leonardo da Vinci's example when she wrote, "there is a way the city can save money in the downtown project.  Give people the opportunity to give an antique light post in  memory or honor of a loved one, friend, or significant other."  We do it in churches with pews; why not beautiful lamp posts?

What a great idea!  It only takes a spark to get a fire going.  Why not park benches, a sidewalk or curb section with the honored name embedded in concrete, brick walks, etc.

Pete Stebbins saw Salado wood and said, "I can do something with that."  Have you seen one of his pens?  Absolutely outstanding craftsmanship made from beautiful Salado wood that was going to be burned or taken to the dump.

We have all admired the creative workmanship of Troy Kelly's beautiful sculptures.  Why not commission to do one that depicts the history or beauty or wisdom of Salado?  No one does it better and his art "graces" Salado.

There is beautiful art in the Village Art Studios.  Breath-taking beautiful art!  What talent there is in this town.

Our golf course just keeps getting better and better!  A tremendous source of pride is returning because a group of people made creativity and fun an economic engine that is driving our community.

It only takes a spark to get a fire going!

Want to have some fun?  Get creative and do something that betters our village; makes it more beautiful; and improves quality of life.

 Roselle Linder makes the best, the very best, most delicious Italian Creme Cake and shares it with her neighbors.  Quality of life just got better!

Poet Maya Angelou observed:  "You cannot use up creativity.  The more you use, the more your have.  Sadly, too, often creativity is smothered rather than nurtured.  There has to be a climate in which ways of thinking, perceiving, questioning are encouraged."

There is a climate change in Salado.  Please get involved.

                              Most respectfully, Skip

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