Monday, March 7, 2016

You are so good! Thank you! Nearly There!


We are $4000 short of reaching our goal to clean the creek around the low water crossing.  To date, we are over $10,000.  

Thank you for the very generous contributions that individuals and organizations have made.

You are a marvelous group of people.  A wonderful community.

Thank you.

  Thank you.

Thank you.

$4000 more and the beauty of the low water crossing will return.

The birds, the wild life, and the beauty.

Every penny will be used for the creek. 

Make your checks payable to Salado Community Fund and mail them to P.O. Box 895, Keep 
Salado Beautiful, Salado, Texas 76571.


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  1. We do hope you are re-elected. We can't afford another year of James Construction Group and we surely can't afford to enable them to desecrate our waterways and roadways anymore. Failure to complete the project timelier and failure to keep them from tracking their mud and silt into our roadways and waterways will end up costing us taxpayers untold millions in creek restoration costs and years of environmental damage. Most people understand you are caught between a rock and hard spot dealing with James Construction Group and we thank you for putting up with them. Their continued disrespect of our roadways and waterways with their terrible housekeeping and erosion control isn't helping calming anyone's nerves. With the rains in the forecast, we will be forced to deal with muddy roads and filthy storm water carrying mud into our waterways. Where is there contributions cleaning up their mess left? it isn't our trucks and equipment tracking mud. We aren't responsible for storm water discharges. We don't drive into their project and track mud into the roadways. We don't disrespect their community tracking mud or throwing trash everywhere. What makes them think it is okay to do that to our community? It must be a Wall Street thing where Mr. David King enables. We know it isn't their new VP since it is rumored he falls asleep in the Area Managers truck following meals.

  2. A waste of money. Save it for a bridge, not a low water crossing where the gravel will just pile up again, and again, and again, and....
