Sunday, March 22, 2015

Coming together on other issues


Outside of roads, construction, sewer, new development, and ETJ, which are major, what are other concerns that the Village needs to address?

If one talks to shop owners, it is public restrooms.  There are not very many and they are far and in between.  Visitors often get irritated because there is no place to go.

If one talks to visitors and local residents, the lack of a variety of restaurants, especially those that are open in the evening.  Italian is a favorite suggestion.

If one talks to families with children in the public schools, it is lack of things to do within the Village.    Families would prefer to stay in a safe, convenient environment than travel down I-35.

If one talks to residents, it is keeping the Creek clean, maintaining and keeping a beautiful Salado, and spending more effort in keeping Salado special than in trying to figure out developers and developments.

If one talks to children, it is a "fun city park" where they can play and meet their friends.

If one talks to youth, it is Starbucks, social media, movies, and a safe place to "hangout" with their friends.

If one talks to dog owners, it is a Dog Park.

Do you get the drift of this Post?

These are major issues, too, that must be addressed as Salado moves forward.  It will take all of us to make it happen -- Lion's Club, Rotary, Auxillary, Chamber, Board of Aldermen, Churches, Historical Society, Masonic Lodge, PALS, Keep Salado Beautiful, Salado Art Association, and other civic organizations.

Individually, we can do some, but all together, we can make a major difference.

All of you do much and you are greatly appreciated by all, but a special request.  The next time your organization meets, consider what can be done to improve the quality of life in Salado?  And, take steps to make it happen.


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