Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Wilmer Memorial Lecture Saturday was better than OUTSTANDING!

The room was filled.  People were sitting around the wall to hear Talmage Boston speak on "Baseball: The Nature, the Personality, and the Power behind the Game."

They were not disappointed when he finished speaking.  Built around a quote from Jacques Barzun, "whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball," he built his case on history and testimonies of baseball players such a Yogi Berra.  Using humor and facts, he hit a home run out of the park.  The people laughed and held on to every word he spoke.  The last hour of the afternoon was dedicated to questions, answers, and personal stories from the audience.

Upon being interrupted while playing a baseball game, by the delegation notifying Abraham Lincoln of his selection as the Republican presidential nominee, he said, "Tell the gentlemen they will have to wait until after I have had my turn at bat."

And, the afternoon went on.

Of all the events, the Institute for the Humanities at Salado, is one of the best.  Their speakers are informative, interesting, and knowledgeable.  The people who attend are thought-provoking, intellectual thinkers who see the issues from all sides.  It is an honor to sit at their feet and learn.

The next time the Institute for the Humanities at Salado, regardless of the subject, has a program, please take the time to attend.  You will walk away with much more than you ever dreamed.

Talmage Boston speaks to a standing room only audience.


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